Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order Essay
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order - Essay Example He avers that the secular ideologies are facing a new, serious threat of violence. The origin of this hidden volcano is between countries and cultures that base their traditions on religious faith and dogma. These limited numbers of cultures have taken the center stage to influence and dominate the important events that have serious bearings. They are Western, Eastern Orthodox, Latin American, Islamic, Japanese, Chinese, Hindu and African. Huntington argues, policymakers should take notice of this development, while trying to interfere in the internal affairs of another country. Rebuking U.S. in this regard Huntington says, â€Å"In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous . . . Imperialism is the necessary logical consequence of universalism.†(Huntington, 1998, p.310) What is the latent psychology of these cultural civilization groups that are part of a Nation? Is this civilization identity conflict-oriented or friendship-oriented? Are they wiling to live in mutual co-operation or with hidden grudges? Is living together as democratic citizens of one country are an act of compulsion? â€Å"For the first time in history global politics is both multipolar and multicivilizational; modernization is distinct from Westernization and is producing neither a universal civilization in any meaningful sense nor the Westernization of non-Western societies.†(p.20) The valley of these civilizations as perceived by Huntington is not all green! His forthright views merit serious consideration, in the light of what actually is happening all over the world, especially in Muslim countries, and the countries suffering from Muslim factor. According to him modernization does not mean westernization. Economic progress clubbed with revival of religion is a dangero us combination. The
Monday, October 28, 2019
Sugarcane Bagasse Characterization
Sugarcane Bagasse Characterization The major composition of a lignocellulosic biomass is lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, which is responsible for the structure and rigidity of plant. These components has been reported to have high potential energy and are been widely used as fuel in automobile and industries. The components of the bagasse were chemically characterized by measuring their dry weight. Table # represents the composition of dry sugarcane bagasse analysed in the present study compared with data collected from other research articles. The dissimilarities in composition of lignin and cellulose might be due to genetics variations, growing location, methods of harvesting, growing conditions and analytical procedures. Table 1. Major component of sugarcane bagasse Cellulose (%) Lignin (%) References 46 19.6 Present Study 40.57 25.93 (Zeng, Tong, Wang, Zhu, Ingram, 2014) 25 16.2 (Dhabhai, Jain, Chaurasia, 2012) 40 23 (Irfan, Gulsher, Abbas, Syed, Nadeem, 2011) 45.4 23.4 (Pereira, Jacobus, Cioffi, Mulinari, Luz, 2011) As per the generated data, cellulose content in the bagasse was 46%, which was further reformed into accessible form for the saccharification enzyme. While the lignin constituted 19.6%, thus removal of lignin was carried out by the pre-treatment of bagasse for an efficient enzymatic hydrolysis. Cellulose Unit Activity The AumEnzymes, India generously donated two commercial cellulases, Acid Cellulase and Neutral cellulase. The cellulase activity of Aspergillus terreus, acid cellulase, and neutral cellulase were compared in order to proceed for the optimization of saccharification phase. The International Unit for enzyme activities (IU) of all the three cellulases were based on the total cellulase activity and endoglucanase activity, determined by the CMCase assay and FPU assay respectively. Table# represents the FPU and CMCase activity presented by all the three enzymes. The data in the table# clearly concluded that all the three cellulase have negligible total cellulase activity, while they have a high amount of endoglucanase activity. Table 2. Comparison of Cellulase Activity Cellulase CMCase Activity (IU) FPU Activity (IU) Aspergillus terreus 0.273 0.045 Acid 0.966 0.028 Neutral 0.223 0.000 Which might indicate that all the cellulases has endoglucanase activity but, the negligible exoglucanases activity resulted in considerable reduction in total cellulase activity. Since the Acid cellulase had relatively higher enzyme activity, it was further used as the saccharifying enzyme. The protein content in the Acid cellulose was found using the protein assay and it was found to be 67.67 ÃŽ ¼g/mg of Acid cellulase powder. The specific activity was 14.11 IU/mg of Acid cellulase, indicating that 14.11 ÃŽ ¼mol of sugar is released by 1 mg of Acid cellulase (protein) in one unit. Optimization of alkaline The statistical design used for the microwave assisted alkaline pre-treatment is a four factors (weight of bagasse, power of microwave in wattage, NaOH concentration and the exposure time period) system, the response of the pre-treatment was based on the cellulose composition and reduced lignin after the pre-treatment. The design summary is shown in the Table #. Table 3. Design Summary Study Type: Response Surface Runs: 21 Initial Design: Central Composite Design Model: Quadratic Factor Name Units Low Actual High Actual Low Coded High Coded Mean A Bagasse g% 2.5 10 -1 1 6.25 B Microwave W 100 600 -1 1 350 C NaOH g% 1 5 -1 1 3 D Time minutes 5 10 -1 1 7.5 Response Name Units Analysis Minimum Maximum C.V % R2 Y1 Cellulose g% Polynomial 0 81.2 9.3 0.9679 Y2 Lignin Removal g% Polynomial 0 67.25 8.54 0.9735 The design was a set of 21 runs, combinations of four factor experimental design, based on the RSM and CCD (Tabel#). The RSM is mathematical based system to study the interactions between the factors, while the CCD enables us to deduce an optimal condition for the pre-treatment. Table 4. Test design and results of response surface analysis Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Response 1 Response 2 Std Run A:Substrate B:Microwave C:NaOH D:Time Cellulose Lignin Removal g W g% minutes g% g% 16 1 6.25 350 3.0 11.7 76.8 48.14 15 2 6.25 350 3.0 3.3 59.2 42.7 6 3 2.50 100 5.0 5.0 55 44.35 21 4 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 72.3 46.7 8 5 2.50 100 1.0 5.0 48.5 35.38 10 6 12.56 350 3.0 7.5 74.6 42.7 13 7 6.25 350 -0.4 7.5 48.25 40 5 8 10.00 100 1.0 10.0 50.6 38.4 9 9 -0.06 350 3.0 7.5 0 0 19 10 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 71.2 46.8 20 11 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 79.5 50.3 2 12 10.00 600 1.0 5.0 56.2 42.7 4 13 2.50 600 1.0 10.0 59.98 48.25 3 14 10.00 100 5.0 10.0 60.6 52.1 11 15 6.25 -70 3.0 7.5 61 48.53 18 16 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 77.1 44.23 7 17 2.50 600 5.0 10.0 75.6 62.5 12 18 6.25 770 3.0 7.5 76.3 67.25 17 19 6.25 350 3.0 7.5 69.7 48.9 1 20 10.00 600 5.0 5.0 71.85 57.23 14 21 6.25 350 6.4 7.5 81.2 60.56 According to the table#, runs #17, #18 and # 21 had maximum lignin removals while the #1, #1 and#21 showed maximum retained cellulose. The quadratic polynomial equations describes the correlation between the significant coefficients i.e. p-value (Prob>F) less than 0.05 and is used to obtain the regression values of coefficients where only significant coefficients are considered. But since this model supports hierarchy, the insignificant coefficients were not omitted. This equation was used to derive the predicted responses for cellulose (equation 1) and lignin removal (equation 2) Equation1 Equation 2 The adequacy of the quadratic model for the experimental responses (cellulose Y1 and lignin removal Y2) was checked using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which was verified using the Fisher’s statistical model (F-value). The table# shows the ANOVA for Y2 response. Table 5. ANOVA result of quadratic regression model for lignin removal Source Sum of Squares Mean squares F-value p-value (Prob > F) Model 3411.23 14 243.66 15.74 0.0014 significant A-Bagasse 911.65 1 911.65 58.88 0.0003 B-Microwave 175.22 1 175.22 11.32 0.0152 C-NaOH 541.91 1 541.91 35.00 0.001 D-Time 14.80 1 14.80 0.96 0.366 AB 3.88 1 3.88 0.25 0.6347 AC 3.14 1 3.14 0.20 0.6684 AD 0.86 1 0.86 0.06 0.8216 BC 4.67 1 4.67 0.30 0.6028 BD 534.56 1 534.56 34.52 0.0011 CD 2.48 1 2.48 0.16 0.7031 A2 955.51 1 955.51 61.71 0.0002 B2 362.14 1 362.14 23.39 0.0029 C2 74.46 1 74.46 4.81 0.0708 D2 3.95 1 3.95 0.25 0.6317 Residual 92.90 6 15.48 Lack of Fit 71.34 2 35.67 6.62 0.0539 not significant Pure Error 21.56 4 5.39 Cor Total 3504.13 20 ANOVA of the regression model for lignin removal had 15.74 â€Å"F-value†which described that the model is significant and also defined that there is only 0.14% chance that a â€Å"Model F-value†this large could arise due to noise. Since the â€Å"p-value†0.0014, lesser than 0.005, it indicates that the lignin removal is sensitive to the coefficients/factors in the model. In other words weight of bagasse (A), microwave exposure (B), NaOH (C), BD, A2 and B2 have strong influence on the lignin removal. The p-value 0.0011 for BD (B-coded for microwave, D-coded for time), indicates the strong mutual interaction between B and D in removal of lignin. The â€Å"Lack of Fit F-value†of 6.62 justifies that there are 5.39% chances that such large values of â€Å"Lack of Fit F-value†might occur due to noise, where lack of fit is an error that would occur when one of the factor is omitted from the process model. Another statistical measurement that is a sig nal to noise is the ‘‘Adequate precision’’. The desirable ratio is greater than 4, as such the Adeq Precision value is 20.22, this model can be used to navigate design space and further optimization. â€Å"Multiple correlation corfficient or R2†value denotes the correlation between observed and predicted values, i.e. if the value is closer to 1, it means better correlation. In this case the R2 value is 0.9735, indicating better agreement between experimental values and predicted values. The â€Å"coefficient of variation (CV)†indicates the degree of precision to which the experiments are compared. The lower reliability of the experiment is usually indicated by a high value of CV. In the present case the CV value is low (8.5%) indicates a good precision and reliability of the experiment. At the same time, Adjusted determination coefficient (Adj R2)†was high specifies improved precision and reliability of the conducted experiments. The 3D surface plot illustrated below (Figure#) shows co-operative effect of microwaves and NaOH on the removal of lignin. From the plot, it can be predicted that with rise the concentration of NaOH and high powered microwaves exposure a increased degradation of lignin was observed, maximum lignin removal is observed with 5% NaOH concentration and microwave irradiation with power of 600W. But the low power microwaves and NaOH concentrations had no substantial removal of lignin. Figure 1. Co-operative effect of Microwaves and NaOH on lignin removal The second response considered in the pre-treatment was the amount of cellulose retained (Y1) after the process. The ANOVA of quadratic regression model for cellulose retained after pre-treatment illustrated in Table # is a significant model as evident from the Fishers F-test value (12.91) with a very low probability value [(Prob > F) = 0.0165]. This also indicates that there is only 0.24% chance that the F-value occurs due to errors during the experiments. Among model terms A, C, BD and A2 are also significant with probability of 99%. The interaction between B and D significant effect on increase in cellulose retaining response. The goodness of fit of the model was checked by determination coefficient (R2). In this case, the value of the R2 (0.9676) indicates that only 3.24% of the total variation between experimental values and predicted values are not explained by the model. The value of the adjusted determination coefficient (Adj. R2=0.8929) was also high, at the same time a rela tively lower value of the coefficient of variation (C.V. = 9.3%) which indicates model is significant and the conducted experiment is consistent and has a good precision. The level of noise that affected the model is also very low, i.e. 11.16% determined using the Lack of Fit F-value (3.99). The Adequate Precision (15.608) for this model is greater than 4, this suggests the model can be used for navigating the design space and optimizing the experiment. Table 6. ANOVA result of quadratic regression model for cellulose concentration after pre-treatment Source Sum of Squares df Mean Squares F-value p-value (Prob > F) Model 6226.99 14 444.79 12.91 0.0024 significant A-Bagasse 2782.58 1 2782.58 80.76 0.0001 B-Microwave 117.05 1 117.05 3.40 0.1149 C-NaOH 779.62 1 779.62 22.63 0.0031 D-Time 154.88 1 154.88 4.49 0.0783 AB 36.72 1 36.72 1.07 0.3417 AC 1.56 1 1.56 0.05 0.8387 AD 8.14 1 8.14 0.24 0.6441 BC 27.27 1 27.27 0.79 0.4079 BD 1626.88 1 1626.88 47.21 0.0005 CD 1.51 1 1.51 0.04 0.8414 A^2 2013.06 1 2013.06 58.42 0.0003 B^2 4.08 1 4.08 0.12 0.7426 C^2 54.52 1 54.52 1.58 0.2552 D^2 8.46 1 8.46 0.25 0.6379 Residual 206.74 6 34.46 Lack of Fit 137.67 2 68.83 3.99 0.1116 not significant Pure Error 69.07 4 17.27 Cor Total 6433.73 20 Figure # is a 3D response surface plot generated for 6.25 g of bagasse and 7.5 minutes of treatment by the regression mode, illustrates the effect of microwave irradiation (B) and NaOH (C) variables and the interactive effects of each on the cellulose concentration. It can be observed that by increasing both factors B and C results in increased cellulose concentration. The shading on the graph indicates the NaOH concentration from 3% to 5% is adequate for increasing the cellulose concentration to 75% and above along with the microwave irradiation within range of 350 W to 600W. Which indicates that higher microwave irradiation favours lignin removal. This results in high power consumptions and charring of cellulose. To avoid the destruction of cellulose to an inaccessible substance, the treatment can be carried at lower power microwave irradiations under high pressures. The two response models of microwave assisted alkaline pre-treatment have shown positive influence on the removal of lignin and increased cellulose in bagasse. Thus the statistical analysis is reliable to generate the optimal conditions required for pre-treatment, the optimum condition was predicted using numerical optimization. The optimal values selected were, 6.37 g of bagasse irradiated at 350 W in 5% NaOH solution for 8.87 minutes. The predicted cellulose concentration was 81.94% and 56.6% lignin removal. The figure # represents the graph obtained using the numerical optimization methods. Figure 2. Co-operative effect of Microwave and NaOH on cellulose concentration Figure 3. Counter plot for predicted values of Lignin removal and cellulose concentration at optimized condition There was 48% loss in dry weight of the bagasse after pre-treatment at optimized conditions, which might be either due to removal of lignin or lost during the washing process after pre-treatment bagasse. The result was similar to the work done by (Farid, Noor El-Deen, Shata, 2014). Optimization of Saccharification The pre-treated bagasse was washed and further used for saccharification using the Acid cellulase. The efficiency of saccharification is evaluated by the saccharification%, it is the ratio of sugar released and the amount of polysaccharide present in the bagasse. Thus the saccharification% was used as the response factor for the statistical design used to optimize saccharification. The saccharification% response was assessed as a function of pre-treated bagasse loading (A), Acid cellulase loading (B) and time of incubation (C). The design developed using RSM and CCD is summarized in the Table # below. Table 7. Design Summary Study Type: Response Surface Runs: 20 Initial Design: Central Composite Design Model: Quadratic Factor Name Units Low Actual High Actual Low Coded High
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Many Faces Of A Criminal Essay -- essays research papers
A criminal is someone who violates law for the purpose of obtaining their desires, causing in the breakdown of society. This definition is both clear and complete. Criminals are known mainly for their craftiness and bent character. They use this quality to intrude on the privacy of others, thus resulting in the acts of violence or sinfulness. These unlawful individuals are what society deems as offenders, convicts, villains, thieves and much more. To study a criminal is to know that they are hot tempered, controlling and insecure. What makes a criminal unique is their inability to utilize such great potential and cleverness, quite like how man has not yet learned to harness the power of lighting. Â Â Â Â Â It is safe to say that all criminals are disruptive by nature. With their sinister and devilish minds they are capable of shaking up even the most sound of individuals. Criminals possess dark, cold and shady personalities, which in fact, are adept to crippling even the healthiest of specimens. They make a habit of disguising their true identity through dishonesty and sneakiness. One cruel and fraudulent action follows another. This foolish and unwise trait is one of the things that distinguish law-abiding citizens from criminals. Â Â Â Â Â Another definite indication of a criminal is that they perpetrate wrongdoings that negatively impact onto society. To put it into a clear and concise way, criminals are society's diseases. Thei... The Many Faces Of A Criminal Essay -- essays research papers A criminal is someone who violates law for the purpose of obtaining their desires, causing in the breakdown of society. This definition is both clear and complete. Criminals are known mainly for their craftiness and bent character. They use this quality to intrude on the privacy of others, thus resulting in the acts of violence or sinfulness. These unlawful individuals are what society deems as offenders, convicts, villains, thieves and much more. To study a criminal is to know that they are hot tempered, controlling and insecure. What makes a criminal unique is their inability to utilize such great potential and cleverness, quite like how man has not yet learned to harness the power of lighting. Â Â Â Â Â It is safe to say that all criminals are disruptive by nature. With their sinister and devilish minds they are capable of shaking up even the most sound of individuals. Criminals possess dark, cold and shady personalities, which in fact, are adept to crippling even the healthiest of specimens. They make a habit of disguising their true identity through dishonesty and sneakiness. One cruel and fraudulent action follows another. This foolish and unwise trait is one of the things that distinguish law-abiding citizens from criminals. Â Â Â Â Â Another definite indication of a criminal is that they perpetrate wrongdoings that negatively impact onto society. To put it into a clear and concise way, criminals are society's diseases. Thei...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cognitive Term of Behaviour
Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behavior. Evaluate two relevant studies. One of the most famous case studies of amnesia in the history is HM who was suffering from epileptic seizures and had a surgery when he was only nine years old that removed 2/3 of his hippocampus, medial temporal lobes, parahippocampal gyrus and amygdala. The operation was successful in its primary goal of controlling his epilespsy but as a result of the operation he suffered from severe anterograde amnesia. After the operation, he could not commit new events to long-term memory. He could remember events from before the operation for the rest of his life. His working memory and procedural memory were intact. After the operation, he could continue to complete tasks that require recall from the short-term memory and that involved procedural memory but could not make use of long-term episodic memory after the operation. After the operation, he lost his declarative memory (semantic and episodic). Because of the removal of these parts of brain, he might face these problems. One that might be he couldn’t encode the information or he could do that but he couldn’t retrieve it or he could do them but could not store them in his memory. Clive Wearing had brain infection -herpes encephalitic- affecting the parts that are concentrated on memory. MRI scanning shows damage to the hippocampus and some of the frontal regions. His ability to perceive what he saw and heard was unimpaired. But he did not seem to be able to retain any impression of anything for more than a few blink. In he did blink, his eyelids parted to reveal a new scene. In Clive’s case, the virus damaged his brain. It damaged the hippocampus, which play a major role in the handling of long-term memory formation. Additionally he sustained marginal damage to the temporal and frontal lobes. The former houses the amygdala, a component implicated in the control of emotions and associated memories. Clive developed a profound case of total amnesia as a result of his illness. Because the part of the brain required to transfer memories from the working to the long term area in damaged. He is unable to encode new memories. He only remembers a little part of his life before. He still knows how to play piano, which is because his cerebellum responsible for the maintenance of procedural is not damaged. The fact that he could no longer remember anything and was not aware, tells us that the hippocampus and the temporal and frontal lobes are the bits responsible for LTM’s and STM’s formation and recall. In both cases, the hippocampus was damaged, and so they both had problems with their long-term memory. In HM’s case only two thirds of the hippocampus was removed while in Clive’s case most of it was destroyed. As a result both had very severe amnesia and because of that we can conclude that hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for forming/retrieving or storing the LTM. This is an example of the link between cognition and physiology of the brain. However, certain exceptions make this theory a lot more complex. For example HM had remembered JFK’s assassination and both could still learn new skills. In Clive’s case, the fact that he could still emotionally remember his wife does not fit into the former explanation. However, the researches that were done consistently for these two people are reliable, giving us the opportunity to generalize such hypothesis on the cognitive part of the brain. For example, Brenda Milner, who studied HM following his surgery till his death, is a very well-known researcher and in her reports she has clearly mentioned HM’s past and present conditions. Since she is known and experienced, her reports are likely to be true and not exaggerated. And because of that we believe it to be dependable and creditable as well as following a data triangulation. Milner hasn’t had any brain illnesses in her life, so we can easily decide that her research was in no way influence by her own disabilities. On the other hand she has not checked and re-checked her research results, trying to find fault in them, since HM’s case is a very unique case in the world. And the fact that HM was old at the time when most of her research were conducted, we could argue that his memory loss was due to old age. Another fault in her research is its inaccuracies, an example of such inaccuracy is when HM remembered John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Based on these findings we can assume that her research is strong enough for us to be able to generalize its effects. That is why recently, scientists associate hippocampus and amygdala with memory formation and storage.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Admission Essay for Counseling Psychology Program
My country, Serbia, underwent a period of terror and wars, especially during the NATO Bombing in 1999. This marking event in our history taught me more than what my formal education could. Before this disaster struck, I was a full-time student and the University of Pristina majoring in English Language and Literature. During the high of political upheavals, the situation in Kosovo was already tense.Minorities had constant provocations, and hatred had a firm imprint on the people. My life was heavily influenced, as well as my education. I had experienced first hand what it means to be â€Å"persona non grate†in the your childhood community.I wished everyone could understand what this meant for all of us, regardless of who we were and where we came from. Being prosecuted and not having the right to enjoy our college days was a sour memory, but something I live by as a source of my strength. I experienced biases and prejudice, yet I stand firm.I was treated badly, but my dreams never blurred from my sight. I was emotionally affected, but I was more inspired to pursue these dreams, and become a counselor. Freedom in this country was taken for granted, and our college life overlooked.The war made it necessary for me to leave Pristina and Kosovo. Shocked and scared, I came back to a home where fires, bombings and NATO planes assailed my daily itinerary. The screeching sirens did not help our situation. It seemed that we merely waited for the bomb to drop on our heads and defy us from mere existence.During all the madness, I tried to suppress my stress by being optimistic for my family and friends. As a child, I have been my family's â€Å"corrupter of words†, as I've always seen myself as one of Shakespeare’s fools. My mom always pointed out my ability to rearrange words and it's meanings to create a personal â€Å"philosophical†statement.I would often add humor when the our lives would seem bland, other times when we feel the panic crawling through our bones, and fear completely etching our faces. The bombings taught us this.As you watch the planes every day, you'd get to realize that there are things you can do as not to be so stressed. Since we could not prevent the many disasters in our lives, we can re-frame the fear and pain to something more positive. The idea was to live your life as normally as possible, by teaching yourself to be blind of some of the negative events in our lives.It wasn't all that bad during those terrifying days. There were positive outcomes as well, like in social gatherings where the unique humor and spirit in my culture gave me a good faith and optimism to survive next days. If I couldn’t eliminate stress by changing or ignoring the situation, the least I could do was offer social support.My profound interest in teaching English to people of different languages didn’t falter due to the war. It allowed me to complete my education on time, and start my career as an Eng lish teacher. In the classroom, it is particularly important for me to understand the point of view of the student, and use humor and real-life situations to get my points across.I developed my interest in researching about language through my undergraduate studies. My greater interest is on how sociocultural factors have an impact on the awareness, design, implementation, and assessment of a second language in a multicultural community, in comparison to those in culturally homogeneous communities.ESL classes in Serbia were more British oriented, both in linguistics and culture. As a young teacher, I have always been open to new teaching methods. I also tried to add novelties into the curriculum. My decision to spend a year in the United States was supported by my desire to learn more about the American culture.I believe this will broaden my perspectives on cultural diversity and different systems of education. Furthermore, this will heighten my personal and professional development . I can say that life can be very unpredictable because my one year visit become a life of adventure and possibilities by studying psychology.You would know if you are experiencing life if the wind pushes you in all directions. My senses were surrounded with uncertainty as I involved myself in a different culture. I knew how it felt to be a little fish in a big pond. Being an international student from Eastern Europe did not prepare me for the many interesting things a new country can offer me.The initial knowledge gained from textbooks, and the places I've traveled to see, were put to waste as I stepped onto unknown territory. I felt helpless, and wanted desperately to go home. I could have been with my family, a cup of cappuccino and the newspaper within my grasps. However, even though I experienced culture shock, I believe hands-on education is still the best teacher.Soon after arriving in a new country, I was caught between my old values from my native culture, and the new value s of the host culture. I was pressured to adapt in order to survive. Adjusting to a new culture, new system, and new life, was not an easy task. But my ability to adapt allowed me to face any obstacle. My goals were always set whenever I face any challenge. I never let my self-esteem falter.I love to feel challenged because it makes me work twice as hard. I proved this by obtaining my second undergraduate degree (BA in Liberal Arts/Psychology) and graduating with the highest honors. I always tried to reach for the stars. But the opposite side of the coin is nostalgia. Something that is present when I am working, studying, eating, and even when sleeping.Being an international student among fellow foreigners in the US made me realize how much social support and understanding was necessary to challenge and achieve academically in other countries. By considering the problems students have in the US, and by developing different approaches and solutions, I believe I can be a great counselor in a multicultural world. Just by the thought of it made me eager to learn more, and increase the repertoire of counseling styles and skills alongside others.During my senior year of college, I conducted an extensive literature review on â€Å"psychosocial adjustment issues of international students and the need for social support†. I refined my research skills in data analysis using SPSS, as well as my ability to present my findings in the manner of an accepted professional research paper.I enjoyed conducting the literature review the most, approaching it as a scavenger hunt and considering the quantity and quality of information found as my reward. This project, along with my other undergraduate studies, prepared me for the rigors of graduate study and the parameters of successful research. Professional experiences, research, and undergraduate courses at Menlo College have further stimulated my interest in psychology and reinforced my conviction that I am well su ited to the field.Although these varied research experiences have provided me with fundamental skills, I still feel the need for more training. In retrospect, college was one of the most stimulating periods in my life, and I found tremendous determination to achieve my goal of helping others through the study of psychology.Looking from the prospective of a student gave me more retrospection on my teaching profession, which I love so much. However, life is an intriguing railroad with many stations. Some of those stations I got off at were good experiences and some bad. But over all, it has been a journey that continues on.Helping others reach their goals, having a positive attitude, and dedicating both personal and professional growth were the traits I held when I entered Menlo College. They remain as an integral part of my work ethic today.My international student experience, and many research projects, have helped me achieve a theoretical foundation for the important wo rk of helping students succeed in college. We must have an understanding and compassion for diverse student populations. I learned this from the years of teaching experience. Furthermore, I am able to demonstrate my strengths and abilities to relate effectively with individuals from all levels and cultural backgrounds.These experiences have not only taught me valuable lessons about student life, but have also reinforced my interest in pursuing my career in counseling psychology. Graduate school will enable me to develop vital research and counseling skills, and the solid academic background that I need to be a successful counselor and researcher.A master's program in counseling psychology will not only cultivate and refine my involvement in research, but also equip me to deal with the challenges of an MS program. The combination of MFT and my counseling degree will enable me to fulfill my career aspirations and passion for helping students in need. Furthermore, I can prepare myself in facing the complexity of psychotherapy and unpredictability when dealing with emotional issues of individuals and their families.I have all the traits needed to be a good counselor. Undoubtedly, my devotion to my education will be the greatest asset of all. Being able to successfully help individuals in the future will be my greatest reward for the effort and investment I will put myself into
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Auto Pact essays
The Auto Pact essays The auto pact is a trade agreement between Canada and the United States for automotive parts and vehicles. It is known as the most successful trade agreement, helping Canada become one of the worlds biggest automobile producing countries. This agreement allowed North American companies to import cars duty-free from anywhere in the world. It also guaranteed free trade of automobiles and parts between Canada and the US. This meant that manufacturers could locate their factory in either country, wherever the larger workforces is located or best location for shipping and sell their products to either country without having to worry about paying extra. The pact started because of Canada was spending more money buying American goods then Americans were buying Canadian goods. The government had to do something before it got even worse. The pact was made to fix this imbalance. This imbalance was mostly due to the automobile industry. Canada was importing more auto parts and automobiles from the States, then Canada was exporting. Talks for a trade agreement in the automobile industry between Canada and the United States began in July 1964. By January 1965 Prime Minister Lester Pearson and President Lyndon Johnson signed the pact. Of course with any agreement there were conditions that went along with it. The Canadian government wanted the number of cars brought into the country to equal the number of cars that were manufactured within Canada. This meant that the three large manufacturers: Ford, Chrysler and General Motors had to manufacture at least one vehicle for everyone brought into the country. Each car sold had to be at least 65% Canadian content. There was also a tax of 6.1% put on cars imported into the country, mostly from Japan, Germany and Britain. This pact did not only help Canada become one of the worlds biggest automobile producing countries that it did, but also tied Canadian and US closer together. T ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley essays
Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley essays Bob Marley once said, "I'm a man of God and me come to do God's work. Bob Marley brought reggae to a broad audience and devoted his work to spread a message of peace, unity and love. Bob Marley made an attempt to make blacks recognized. He became an important figure for the Afro-race. In the song Buffalo Soldier the author calls its audience to see that there have been sacrifices of black men in America. Bob Marley began to work in the song in 1978, after reading about the black American soldiers decorated in the late 1800. The issues that the song Buffalo Soldier talks about are directly related to its title. This song refers to the Africans (who are the Buffalo Soldiers) brought to America that where forced to fight against the Native American Indians. The Amerindians probably saw a relation between the huge honored animal with thick hair and the brave and stalwart Africans wearing dreadlocks. Buffalo Soldier is a reflection of Marleys life and the class discrimination he witnessed while growing up in Kingston, Jamaica. Throughout his life Bob Marley was deeply troubled when men where not judged by their character, but by their skin color, and the amount of money they possessed. The song is dedicated to all the Afro-Americans living in the United States. This song is a recount of the story of some regiments of the post-Civil War. These regiments where formed by black men commanded to fight (pro white interests). They [the Africans] fought for a quarter of a century against the Cheyenne, Comanche, Kiowa, Apache, Ute and Sioux. In the end, fourteen key black campaigners, whom the Indians had dubbed "buffalo soldiers," were awarded the Medal of Honor as part of a public relations move to justify and glorify the genocide of Native Americans, underlining the U.S. government's policy of manifest destiny. The purpose of this song is to honor and extol the life of many black Rasta...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Mexico CitysTlatelolco Massacre
Mexico City'sTlatelolco Massacre One of the ugliest and most tragic incidents in the modern history of Latin America took place on Oct. 2, 1968, when hundreds of unarmed Mexicans, most of them student protesters, were gunned down by government police and Mexican army forces in a gruesome bloodbath that still haunts Mexicans. Background For months preceding the incident, protesters, again most of them students, had been taking to the streets to bring the attention of the world to Mexicos repressive government, led by President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz. The protesters were demanding autonomy for universities, the firing of the police chief and the release of political prisoners. Dà az Ordaz, in an effort to stop the protests, had ordered the occupation of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the countrys largest university, in Mexico City. Student protesters saw the upcoming 1968 Summer Olympics, to be held in Mexico City, as the perfect way to bring their issues to a worldwide audience. The Tlatelolco Massacre On the day of Oct.2, thousands of students marched throughout the capital, and around nightfall, about 5,000 of them congregated at La Plaza de Las Tres Culturas in the district of Tlatelolco for what was expected to be another peaceful rally. But armored cars and tanks quickly surrounded the plaza, and the police began firing into the crowd. Estimates of casualties vary from the official line of four dead and 20 wounded into the thousands, although most historians place the number of casualties somewhere between 200 and 300. Some of the protesters managed to get away, while others took refuge in homes and apartments surrounding the square. A door-to-door search by authorities yielded some of these protesters. Not all of the victims of the Tlatelolco Massacre were protesters; many were simply passing through and in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Mexican government immediately claimed that security forces had been fired upon first and that they were only shooting in self-defense. Whether the security forces fired first or the protesters incited the violence is a question that remains unanswered decades later. Lingering Effects In recent years, however, changes in government have made it possible for a closer look into the reality of the massacre. The then-minister of the interior, Luàs Echeverrà a Alvarez, was indicted on genocide charges in 2005 in connection with the incident, but the case was later thrown out. Movies and books about the incident have come out, and interest is high in Mexicos Tiananmen Square. Today, its still a powerful subject in Mexican life and politics, and many Mexicans see it as the beginning of the end for the dominant political party, PRI, and also the day the Mexican people stopped trusting their government.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Target-Market Selection Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Target-Market Selection - Research Proposal Example If the company does not pay enough attention in order to discern its exact target market, it could land up in trouble at the time of devising its marketing strategy since it would address a completely unknown marketing segment, one which was not asked for by the product’s target domains. Thus it is essential that the target market is selected in a proper manner as falling short on the same count could lead to wastage which no organization is willing to afford. Wastage can also happen if the secondary audience, one that is not exactly the audience for the said product is catered to the product and its message and thus there is a complete mix-up within the related ranks. (2) Beyond evaluating current businesses, designing the business portfolio involves finding businesses and products the company should consider in the future. Using the product-market expansion grid, illustrate the process that a company can use to evaluate a portfolio. Pick an example for your demonstration that is different from the one used in the text. Be sure your example covers all cells. The product-market expansion grid of Ansoff is basically a model that is useful in demonstrating a clear link between the different processes of the business unit strategy so that there is a clear cut identification of the growth opportunities for the business. Since this grid looks at product and market in different alignments, a company can analyze a portfolio by touching the method for market penetration where it could sell the product in an excessive manner by making it available in a wholesome quantity.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Five-Task Strategy Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Five-Task Strategy Making - Assignment Example Monitoring significantly increases the chances of success of the strategy-making process because it offers a critical outlook of the whole exercise, including areas of weakness and how to correct them. Unlike monitoring, evaluation is concerned with what has been achieved. In this exercise, the organization examines the decisions and actions it has taken and determines whether they were successful or not. In case of failure or success, evaluation reveals the reasons for the outcome. The organization can then use this information to develop more effective processes in the future. Corrective adjustments are often done either to increase the success ratio of the process, or to develop better procedures and systems to support future processes (Neluheni, Pretorius, & Ukpere, 2014). The whole process of monitoring, evaluation, and corrective adjustments can be done by either internal or external practitioners. Ultimately, organizations should aim at limiting the amount of monitoring, corrective adjustments and evaluation by conducting highly efficient and effective planning (Valler, Tait, & Marshall, 2013). Thorough planning limits the need for intensive monitoring and evaluation and large-scale adjustments by reducing the number of mistakes made. There are three key elements of strategic planning addressed in this case study. The first is the development of a strategic vision, mission, and core values. The second is setting objectives, while the third is crafting a strategy to attain the objectives and the company vision. In this case, Harry Lindsol, who is a prospective investor, has conducted an analysis of the market and relevant trends before deciding on the best investment option (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland, 2014). He has also made a strategic investment decision because his course of action is based on comprehensive analysis and evaluation of all relevant factors. A major advantage offered by eBooks relates to editions.
Gene Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Gene Therapy - Essay Example Gene therapy uses a vector which functions to deliver DNA inside body cells after packaging. The DNA, once in the body through the vector goes into the bloodstream then into cells and finally is incorporated into a chromosome. However, naked DNA approaches have been considered too more so in the field of vaccine development. Once embedded in the patient’s system, the DNA is expressed by the cell machinery, leading to the production of therapeutic protein which corrects the patient’s condition. Emphasis lies on administering a gene that will cause a protein to be expressed and that the patient specifically needs. In addition, with the advances in knowledge of nuclease functions in humans, there have begun explorations into ways of incorporating genes that encode nucleases into chromosomes. The expressed nucleases then disrupt the genes causing the disease by ‘editing’ the chromosome (Giacca, 2010). The concept of gene therapy was first thought possible in 1972 but caution was implored especially concerning its application/ experimentation on humans. In 1990, however, Ashanti DeSilva became the first recipient of gene therapy treatment in the United States for ADA-SCID. Early skepticisms arose with several initial clinical failures with many regarding gene therapy as an over-rated procedure but successes since 2006 have seen many regain their faith in this new form of treatment. Over 2,000 recorded clinical trials have so far been performed on humans. These include successful treatment of diseases such as multiple myeloma, Parkinson’s disease, Leber’s congenital amaurosis, adrenoleukodystrophy, hemophilia, ADA-SCID, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia. With such successes, many governments and companies (especially research institutions) have continued to invest even more on gene therapy. Recently, Glybera became the first gene therapy proc edure to be embraced in Europe and the
Explore and discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with Essay
Explore and discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with the PEEP report in terms of paramedic clinical practice - Essay Example Reports later emerged that community paramedics were treating more patients at home, thereby providing primary care out of hour’s services, responding more efficiently and effectively to non-urgent 999 calls and reducing more visits to accidents and emergencies, there was need to advance education and teaching of paramedics to create a workforce that could provide a greater range of mobile urgent care with further suggestions that the education and training should focus on clinical decision making. The Paramedic Evidence-Based Education Project (PEEP) was commissioned in August 2013 to address this issue of delivery of paramedic teaching. It was accepted that paramedics were well known by the general population and equipping them with urgent care skills will be very beneficial to the wider community. This report provided the following recommendations: The paramedic profession has made rapid progression since its inception. The paramedic profession was registered as an occupation in the year 2000 when paramedics were required to register with the Council for Professions, an organization that is known as the Health Professions Council (HPC) (Donaghy, 2008). In the earlier times, horse-drawn carts and carriers were being used to carry and treat the sick and ambulances were later developed and they were used during the First and the Second World Wars (Claggs and Blaber, 2008). In the 1960s the drivers of the ambulances had roles to carry the sick and injured from home to hospital. However, little or no training was provided to these drivers and what was required from them was good driving skills and to be strong. After some time it was evident that basic emergency care like first aid could be provided by ambulance drivers. However, even with this information, equipping ambulance drivers with knowledge remained negligible and they onl y relied on delivery
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Cheating in baseball Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cheating in baseball - Essay Example Thornton et al, also presents their view on the deeper roots of cheating in baseball. The author present a case study, founded on cheating, about Mark Schelereth who was an offensive linesman in the NFL Denver Broncos. The case study present the implication of a creative cheating whereby coating their arms with Vaseline thereby making them â€Å"slimey†such that no individual could grab onto them. Their actions lead to the Broncos winning the game over their opponents. Further, there was no action taken against them implying that their cheating strategy worked to their advantage although it presented an unfair competition. Considering this case study, the authors asserts, â€Å"cheating in sports is generally considered unethical; however, in baseball circles it is tolerated†(Thornton et al, p. 12). This is enough evidence to support the fact that cheating is moral in baseball especially when exhibited in a skillful way. Mills, Dorothy S. Chasing Baseball: Our Obsession with Its History, Numbers, People and Places. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co, 2010. Dorothy Mills uses her book in order to show the extent of cheating in baseball. She asserts that cheating is an everyday aspect in baseball and other sports, with every individual associated with the game facing the consequences. The cheating individuals normally end up gaining unfair advantage against their competitors thereby affecting both the latter and their fans. Dorothy asserts, concerning the fans associated to cheating team â€Å"we cheer when our teams cheat†¦ ... The cheating individuals normally end up gaining unfair advantage against their competitors thereby affecting both the latter and their fans. Dorothy asserts, concerning the fans associated to cheating team â€Å"we cheer when our teams cheat†¦ that’s because all we care about is winning, fans do not care about being fare to the other guys†(Mills, p. 113). This excerpt acts as evidence that cheating forms a significant part of a baseball game considering that it may affect the results from the referee. Despite a team presenting all their efforts to play their game, a residing official may end up frustrating them when the latter does not realize cheating from the other team. Cassuto, Leonard, and Stephen Partridge. The Cambridge Companion to Baseball. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print. Cassuto presents an instance of Beckley who had miss the third base by fifteen feet but the residing official still considered that a win. Cassuto asserts that the p layers normally use this blatant trick in order to gain unfair advantage from the residing officials. Even though many fans in the game may have witnessed Beckley miss the third base, they did not present any effort towards complaining about the game. Cassuto uses this to confirm the truth that cheating is part of baseball besides other sports and fans condone it. He asserts â€Å"fans understand cheating and even condone cheating†¦.that puts cheating in unusual moral category, wrong doing that the baseball lovers would rather have in the game than not†(Cassuto&Stephen, p. 186). This quote is enough evidence that the baseball fans consider the act of cheating as moral and would feel unease for any game that does not have cheating. Cassuto & Stephen use the book as
Career Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Career Plan - Essay Example In this respect, graduates possessing degree in FCS are facilitated with the opportunity of building an effective career in different professional areas relating to dietetics, hospitality, education, communication and interior design among others. Additionally, individuals after the completion of their FCS course are recognized to have high career demand in the present job market. (Iowa State University, â€Å"Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies (FCEdS)†). In this context, I have planned to pursue course in FCS with the aim of possessing better career opportunities. Professionals with FCS graduates have developed their career path successfully with a better competitive position. The FCS professionals are also facilitated with the opportunity of having better career options in their career life owing to diversified specialization options. Presently, graduates on completion of FCS course are able to build successful career path with better job security as well as sustainability. I am an undergraduate student at present and I have planned to pursue graduate degree course in the field of FCS with the intention of having better career opportunities after completion of graduate degree. I have planned to develop a career in FCS, as the course program will aid me in developing skill sets in different areas that include communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. Subsequently, the skill sets acquired from FCS course are mostly demanded in job market. The coursework and skill sets will also facilitate me in enhancing life quality of different individuals. Additionally, the course will also aid in building interrelationship amid people within communities in different economic, physical as well as social environment. The report published by the ‘U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) signified that graduates in FCS pursuing profession as nutritionists as well as dietitians are
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Cheating in baseball Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cheating in baseball - Essay Example Thornton et al, also presents their view on the deeper roots of cheating in baseball. The author present a case study, founded on cheating, about Mark Schelereth who was an offensive linesman in the NFL Denver Broncos. The case study present the implication of a creative cheating whereby coating their arms with Vaseline thereby making them â€Å"slimey†such that no individual could grab onto them. Their actions lead to the Broncos winning the game over their opponents. Further, there was no action taken against them implying that their cheating strategy worked to their advantage although it presented an unfair competition. Considering this case study, the authors asserts, â€Å"cheating in sports is generally considered unethical; however, in baseball circles it is tolerated†(Thornton et al, p. 12). This is enough evidence to support the fact that cheating is moral in baseball especially when exhibited in a skillful way. Mills, Dorothy S. Chasing Baseball: Our Obsession with Its History, Numbers, People and Places. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co, 2010. Dorothy Mills uses her book in order to show the extent of cheating in baseball. She asserts that cheating is an everyday aspect in baseball and other sports, with every individual associated with the game facing the consequences. The cheating individuals normally end up gaining unfair advantage against their competitors thereby affecting both the latter and their fans. Dorothy asserts, concerning the fans associated to cheating team â€Å"we cheer when our teams cheat†¦ ... The cheating individuals normally end up gaining unfair advantage against their competitors thereby affecting both the latter and their fans. Dorothy asserts, concerning the fans associated to cheating team â€Å"we cheer when our teams cheat†¦ that’s because all we care about is winning, fans do not care about being fare to the other guys†(Mills, p. 113). This excerpt acts as evidence that cheating forms a significant part of a baseball game considering that it may affect the results from the referee. Despite a team presenting all their efforts to play their game, a residing official may end up frustrating them when the latter does not realize cheating from the other team. Cassuto, Leonard, and Stephen Partridge. The Cambridge Companion to Baseball. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print. Cassuto presents an instance of Beckley who had miss the third base by fifteen feet but the residing official still considered that a win. Cassuto asserts that the p layers normally use this blatant trick in order to gain unfair advantage from the residing officials. Even though many fans in the game may have witnessed Beckley miss the third base, they did not present any effort towards complaining about the game. Cassuto uses this to confirm the truth that cheating is part of baseball besides other sports and fans condone it. He asserts â€Å"fans understand cheating and even condone cheating†¦.that puts cheating in unusual moral category, wrong doing that the baseball lovers would rather have in the game than not†(Cassuto&Stephen, p. 186). This quote is enough evidence that the baseball fans consider the act of cheating as moral and would feel unease for any game that does not have cheating. Cassuto & Stephen use the book as
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Justice, ethics & morality according to Marx and Nietzsche Research Paper
Justice, ethics & morality according to Marx and Nietzsche - Research Paper Example The current order is bound to change and will ultimately be superseded by new different form of society. Marx proceeds to argue that historical change is not an arbitrary succession; rather it develops through stages and involves progression (Sayers, 2013). Development is divided into several distinct stages or means of production. Feudalism gives way to capitalism which is eventually replaced by socialism. Each stage evolves from the previous form as a higher historical form. Each stage of the process is initially constituent to progressive development and is appropriate for its time relative to the conditions which it supersedes. However, each stage of the process constitutes only a transitory stage that inevitably perishes and is replaced by a higher more developed stage (Sayers, 2013). During the course of development, the favorable conditions for the emergence of the next stage begin to establish themselves within the present. As the process progresses, the present conditions cease to be progressive and become a hindrance to the process of development. This is the basis of Marx’s criticism of capitalism and advocacy for socialism. Marx regards both in historical terms and does not criticize the present on the basis of universal principles, rather it is immanent and relative (Elster, 1985). For instant, relative to feudal conditions from which capitalism evolves, capitalism is viewed as a progressive development. From the perspective of capitalist society, the hierarchical, feudal system with its privileges and restrictions on commerce, and trade is oppressive and unfair. However, as the conditions for a socialist structure takes shape within capitalism, it becomes a hindrance to further development. From the stand point of a higher society, the capitalist system appears to be an impediment to human development and unjustified. This standpoint emerges as the capitalist society develops and is
Monday, October 14, 2019
Jaguar Business Analysis
Jaguar Business Analysis This report will evaluate the strategic position of Jaguar Cars Limited and how emerging technologies might impact on this position. To achieve this, the report will look at both the internal and external environment as well as other techniques such as SWOT analysis. The internal environment will be evaluated through the use of Jaguars culture web and value chain. The external environment will be evaluated through techniques such as the PESTL diagram and the five forces diagram. A SWOT analysis of Jaguar will also be carried out; this will outline the companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Finally the report will look at emerging technologies in the motor industry and their impact on Jaguar and its strategic position outlining whether they could potentially strengthen or weaken this position. 2 Background Jaguar Cars Limited was founded by Sir William Lyons and William Walmsley in September 1922 in Blackpool and was originally known as Swallow Sidecar Company. It began life as a manufacturer of motorcycle sidecars before moving onto cars. It was not until 1945 that the name Jaguar was first used, this was due to the companys desire to avoid connotations with the German SS. [1] Jaguar went on to design and manufacture a range of sports cars, such as the XK120, in the late 1940s to early 1950s. This opened the door into motorsport for Jaguar where they went on to have a lot of success throughout the 1950s particularly in the Le Mans 24 Hour races where they won in 1951, 1953, 1955, 1956 and 1957. [2] In 1968 Jaguar merged with the British Motor Corporation which later became British Leyland, however this was not to last as Jaguar became independent once more in 1984 before being acquired by Ford in 1989. Under Fords control, Jaguar and Land Rover were brought together to form a parent company known as Jaguar Land Rover. It was during this time that Jaguar produced the XJ220 which, at the time, was the worlds fastest production car ever built. [3] From 2000-2004 Jaguar also had a racing team which competed in Formula 1, however this did not prove to be successful and the team was sold to Red Bull at the end of 2004 which later went on to become Red Bull Racing. [4] In 2008 Ford sold Jaguar Land Rover to Tata Motors. Today Jaguar and Land Rover are still closely linked together and are both headquartered in the same plant in Whitley, Coventry. Jaguar Land Rover employs around 24,000 workers across six different facilities, 10,000 of which are involved solely in Jaguar. 3 Environment 3.1 Internal The internal environment is focused solely around factors inside the company. These factors can relate to elements such as company culture, employees and management style and directly affect how the company may operate. 3.1.1 Mission Statement Vision A mission statement is a brief, to the point statement that accurately sums up what a company stands for and their reason for existing in the first place. The mission statement of Jaguar is as follows: To create and build beautiful fast cars that bring the enjoyment and exhilaration of driving to life. This mission statement leaves no doubt in the readers mind what Jaguar stands for and what their overall aim as a company is. Jaguars vision or aims stem from its history for making top of the range cars: The Jaguar Brand is founded on a long history of distinctive cars offering a unique blend of style, performance, refinement, prestige and affordability. Our aim is to build on this tradition by reinterpreting the values that made the Jaguar legend. We will be a relevant premium competitor, desired by customers for stimulating performance and captivating style. This vision outlines Jaguars overall aims and where they see themselves in the car industry. They outline that they have a history for making quality cars and that they will continue to do this. They aim to be seen as relevant and desirable by customers by offering cars that are both stylish and enjoyable to drive. 3.1.2 Culture Web The culture web is a paradigm of six elements within a companys internal environment that helps to outline the culture within the company. These six elements are stories, symbols, power structures, organisational structures, control systems and rituals and routines. The six elements of the culture web as applied to Jaguar are outlined below in figure 3.1. Stories Celebrating historic cars Jaguar often celebrate historic cars anniversaries. Job Creation Recent news of thousands of new jobs being made. Employee outings Employee team building or nights out. Symbols Jaguar logo Instantly recognisable to the general public. Quality Jaguar cars are synonymous with good quality. Cars Instantly Recognisable car design. Power structures Directors 5 directors are in charge of Jaguar. Customers Customer demand influences Jaguar. Government Jaguar must adhere to relevant legislation. Organisational Structures Directors The five directors are at the top of the chain. Hierarchical Jaguar operates under a hierarchical system with 8 levels. Chain of Command Jaguar operates under a chain of command where engineers will report to a manager who will then report to their manager etc. Control Systems Unions Unions are in place to protect employees. Quality control Jaguar has strict quality measures in place to ensure products reach customers high expectations. Responsibility Employees are responsible for their own work. Rituals Routines Shift patterns Employees work shifts eg, 9-5 every weekday. Annual reports Annual reports are produced and made available to all staff. Quality Strict quality control routines are in place. Figure 3.1 Table of Jaguars Culture. The paradigm of the culture web is the main common ground of the organisation and is at the heart of everything they do, it is often taken for granted. In Jaguars case this could be thought of as quality and professionalism as the company is highly regarded for the high quality of their cars and is a main driving factor behind their success as well as the professionalism of the staff to deliver this continuously. 3.1.3 Value Chain The value chain is a concept that describes the chain of activities within a company and helps to identify the competitive strength of the business through these activities. The chain suggests that each section is connected and thus one section performing poorly could have a detrimental effect on other sections. The value chain can be thought of as two main sections: Primary Activities These activities directly relate to producing the product, in the case of Jaguar, a car. This would involve for example gathering materials, assembly distribution of the finished product. Support Activities These activities do not directly relate to the production but nonetheless are key to success. For example human resources are responsible for staff and a failure to hire effective staff would cause production to suffer. 3.1.4 Core Competencies The core competencies within a company can be seen as areas in which the company are exceptionally good at and thus set them apart from the competition. One of Jaguars key strengths is the highly skilled and motivated workforce that they employ. This excellent workforce has a positive knock on effect for the rest of production, for example tasks such as assembly and maintenance are well done providing well built and reliable vehicles, which Jaguar is renowned for. This can be related back to Jaguars vision to produce desirable cars and it could be said that they are aiming to achieve this through the excellent staff throughout the company. 3.2 External The external environment is based on influences outwith the company. These influences could be for example competitors, buyers or suppliers. 3.2.1 PESTL Analysis A PESTL analysis looks into five key external factors that could potentially influence a company. These are Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal. Figure 3.4 demonstrates PESTL applied to Jaguar. (P)olitical Continuing interest in reducing carbon emissions both from vehicles and factories. Increased research into alternative fuel sources may be required. (E)conomic The current climate causing less spending. Retirement age changes. People will be less inclined to pay for higher priced cars which would cause problems due to Jaguars lack of budget cars. (S)ocial Sports cars becoming less relevant or desirable due to not being environmentally friendly. Research into making cars that are more efficient or green may be required. (T)echnological Hybrid/electric cars becoming much more commonplace. Again, Jaguar will need to develop hybrid or electric cars or risk being left behind by their competitors. (L)egal Changes in health and safety laws and regulations. Jaguar would need to adapt the way the company works to accommodate new regulations or laws. Figure 3.4: PESTL Analysis of Jaguar. 3.2.2 The Five Forces The five forces model represents the competition within the sector that Jaguar is in. The five forces include buyers, suppliers, existing competition, new competition and substitutes. Buyers The buyers are people who are willing to purchase the products and services of Jaguar. This could be through dealerships and distributors as well as other car manufacturers who may wish to use Jaguars engines in their cars. Suppliers The suppliers are people who provide Jaguar with parts or machinery to enable them to manufacture their cars. A strong established relationship between Jaguar and their suppliers is key to the companys success as it ensures raw materials or machinery can be delivered as and when Jaguar need it. Existing competition This is quite simply other car companies who operate in the luxury/sports car industry, for example Aston Martin, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Bentley and BMW to name a few. These companies all produce cars that could be seen as an alternative to a Jaguar product and thus take away buyers from Jaguar. New competition New competition could be from existing car companies who might delve into the luxury car market, this competition could come from companies such as Ford, Volkswagen or Peugeot for example. It could also come from completely brand new companies; however this is less likely due to the current climate and the need for large amounts of capital to start a business in the luxury car industry. Companies from other markets could also move into the car industry, SAAB being an example of this as they were originally a manufacturer of fighter planes before cars. [5] Substitutes These are alternatives to cars. Potential substitutes could be public transport, however due to the nature of luxury cars it could be said that this would pose a very minimal risk. Potential customers who may be looking for a high performance vehicle could be swayed by motorcycles as an alternative. 4 Strategic Position The strategic position of a company gives an indication of where it lies in its target market. This can highlight how it compares with its competitors or how its customers may view the company. 4.1 SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis can be utilised to identify the strategic position of a company and highlights four key areas that are either helpful or harmful to the companys objectives. The four key areas are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths Jaguars strengths lie in the companys well renowned reputation for producing top of the range cars as well as its excellent staff. Jaguar also have strengths in research and development, allowing them to continually have a competitive edge over the competition. Weaknesses Jaguar are not seen as a particularly eco friendly company and this could have an increasingly negative impact on the company. As Jaguar sell high end cars, they are selling to a smaller niche market and thus missing out on tapping into the market for cheaper alternatives. Opportunities Jaguar must continue to improve upon their excellent reputation for quality if they are to maintain their competitive edge in the market. Continued research and development is a must as Jaguar have an excellent RD department and should utilise this to improve their eco-friendly image as this is becoming increasingly important in the car industry. Jaguar will look to exploit the growing Chinese market. Threats The global economic climate will continue to threaten Jaguars strategic position due to increasing fuel prices, less disposable income and changing interest rates to name but a few. Governmental regulations will also threaten Jaguar, for example, stricter emission regulations will cause Jaguar to incur additional expenditure to upgrade and improve existing products and facilities. Strengths Reputation Staff RD Weaknesses Poor eco image Niche market Opportunities Improve upon reputation for quality Development of eco-friendly cars Growing Chinese market Threats Global climate Governmental Regulations Figure 4.1 SWOT Analysis of Jaguar. 4.2 Strategic Position of Jaguar Jaguars strategy, as highlighted in their 2010-2011 annual report is as follows: The company has a multifaceted strategy to position itself as a leading manufacturer of premium vehicles offering high-quality products tailored to specific markets. The companys success is tied to its investment in product development, and is reflected in the strategic focus on capital expenditure, RD and product design. [6] The strategic position of Jaguar as can be seen through the previous analyses is strong within their target market. It can be seen that Jaguars aims to maintain this position through research and development are indeed, how they are maintaining this position in reality. If Jaguar wish to strengthen this position, however, they must improve their image as being eco-friendly. This could be achieved through their already well established research and development department. 5 Emerging Technology 5.1 Technology The technologies that are affecting not just Jaguar but the automotive industry as a whole are the variety of methods aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions and improving eco-friendliness. One such technology which is arguably the most popular and well known is the Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) technology. This technology utilises the standard gasoline engine that works in conjunction with a separate electric engine. This technology is advantageous as the average consumer does not have to change their driving and refuelling routines as, on the surface, the HEV operates exactly the same as a traditional vehicle but with greatly reduced carbon emissions and greater fuel economy. There are, however, concerns over the batteries, mainly due to performance and reliability as well as concerns over toxicity. [7] Electric cars are also growing in popularity in recent years. As the name suggests these cars run entirely from electricity and, assuming the electricity is gathered from a renewable source, they are completely carbon free. Range and lack of charging stations are proving to be the technologys main stumbling block as well as overall performance of the car. [8] Another technology is the hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen is advantageous over typical petrol and diesel fuel sources as it does not produce any carbon dioxide emissions and, unlike electric cars, it does not greatly hinder the cars performance and range. Unfortunately, at this time, hydrogen is proving difficult to exploit in large useable quantities and there are currently no effective means of storing it. [9] Biofuels such as biodiesel are another alternative that researchers are looking into. Another replacement for standard gasolines, biofuels are often made from vegetable oils or animal fats. Many companies are already using biofuels effectively. In East Ayrshire, Stagecoach operate a fleet of Bio-Buses that run on the fuel. It has been noted that due to this Stagecoach have reduced their carbon emissions by around 2450 tonnes. A key advantage to this is that used vegetable oils can be exploited and this can be seen as a form of recycling. Although biofuels will help to reduce carbon emissions, they are not as clean as hydrogen or purely electric cars and as such, are not placed in high regard by many. [10] 5.2 Impact on Jaguar The impact these eco-friendly technologies have on Jaguar is huge. If Jaguar were to continue to produce cars in the current way they would simply lose their strategic position and be left well behind their competitors. Not only that but there could be the potential for new government regulations that could completely force them out of business, for example if the company were required by law to produce cars that did not produce above a threshold amount of carbon dioxide. Jaguar have, of course, outlined these concerns and have begun research into a variety of methods to ensure their carbon footprint is reduced as can be seen from this excerpt from their annual report 2010-2011: To comply with current and future environmental norms, the company may have to incur additional capital expenditure and RD expenditure to upgrade products and manufacturing facilities, which would have an impact on the companys cost of production and the results of operations and may be difficult to pass through to the companys customers. If the company is unable to develop commercially viable technologies within the time frames set by the new standards, the company could face significant civil penalties or be forced to restrict product offerings drastically to remain in compliance. [11] One such method is an innovative new aluminium body as opposed to the traditional steel body of most cars. Jaguar claim that using aluminium results in significant reduction in weight and thus reduced carbon emissions. Of course, being that Jaguar are renowned for producing cars that are of high performance, simply changing materials with the sole focus on reducing emissions could also be detrimental to their position. Jaguar claim that in conjunction with reduced emissions, the new material offers a stiffer body and thus better performance and handling. It can be seen that Jaguar have implemented necessary changes to reduce their carbon footprint without affecting their strategic position. It could also be argued that this has even strengthened their position by improving the performance of their vehicles. Intent on ensuring they continue to be a leader in their market, Jaguar have also began production of hybrid vehicles. Two of the first hybrid vehicles produced by Jaguar were concept cars known as the C-X75 supercar, which was unveiled at the 2010 Paris Motor Show, and the more conventional C-X16 sports car, which was unveiled at the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show. The C-X75 was built with the intent of inspiring and influencing ideas for future hybrid cars and due to its success, Jaguar have announced plans to develop a road legal variant in conjunction with the Williams F1 team in 2013. 250 cars will be built at a price of  £700,000 each and Jaguar claim that the car will boast emissions of just 99g/km. The C-X16 will also be made into a road variant at a much cheaper cost of under  £100,000. The C-X16 will boast an acceleration time of 4.4 seconds from 0-60mph and a top speed of almost 190mph. [12] It can thus be seen that Jaguar look set to overcome this major obstacle whilst still maintaining their strong position as a top quality car manufacturer. This has been achievable through their strengths in research and development. 6 Conclusion This report has successfully evaluated Jaguars strategic position and identified emerging technologies and their impact on this position. The internal environment was evaluated and showed through the culture web, value chain and core competencies that Jaguar operates very strongly and how they successfully achieve this. The mission statement and vision also showed a clear understanding of what they stood for and where they see themselves. The external environment was also evaluated and showed Jaguars position in its relevant market area. PESTL and five forces analyses were carried out to demonstrate just how strong Jaguars position in their market was. The overall strategic position was then outlined and a SWOT diagram showed Jaguars strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Overall, Jaguar sit very comfortably as a leader in their market. Finally, emerging technologies affecting Jaguar were shown to be related to global warming and eco-friendliness. It was shown that Jaguar had taken necessary steps to combat this and maintain their strong strategic position.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Beloved The story in Beloved authored by Toni Morrison was centered on the aftermath experience of the protagonist; Sethe as a slavery escapee. The story which defied chronology was mirrored in flashbacks. The harsh experience of slavery was still patent and the memories of bitter struggles were still haunting the characters. There was an inhibition in the ability to move on. The ruination of identity by slavery and competence of language were two vital themes in the story and would be further analyzed. Ruination of identity by slavery as theme depicted the physiological, mental and spiritual burden of slavery which is inescapable as it continues to haunt the characters like Sethe and Paul D who experienced it. Slavery was accompanied with negativity on the true identity of oneself and this made story have several situations of self-denial and estrangement. For example, Paul D was unsure of whether the wailings and tears of grief, he was feeling were coming from himself or someone else: â€Å"In the boxes the men heard the water rise in the trench and looked out for cottonmouths. They squatted in muddy water, slept above it, peed in it. Paul D thought he was screaming; his mouth was open and there was this loud throat-splitting sound--but it may have been somebody else. Then he thought he was crying. Something was running down his cheeks. He lifted his hands to wipe away the tears and saw dark brown slime†. The slaves received endured inhuman conditions which included being traded as a normal good in exchange for paper money. Paul D always questioned his worth as a human and suffered from inferiority of being insecure of whether or not he was truly a â€Å"man†. Sethe also experienced the cruelty of slavery. She once intrude... ...ry when Paul D and prison inmates from Georgia sang about their past experiences and dream; â€Å"garbling the words so they could not be understood; tricking the words so their syllables yielded up other meanings†. In another case, Stamp Paid saw through the window, two backs and went to see for himself; believing that â€Å"the undecipherable language clamoring around the house was the mumbling of the black and angry dead†. The titling of the story comes down to what is regarded as language misunderstanding. At the burial of her daughter whom killed by her hand, Sethe misunderstood the minister’s address referring to the living as â€Å"Dear beloved†and interpreted it as referencing to the dead. The meaning of words depend heavily the changing interpretation of words: figures of speech rely on the capability of words to connect and disconnect with the definitions of words.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novels E
How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novels 'David Copperfield' and 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry' 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry' is a story about an African American girl growing up in a racist community in Mississippi during the 1930's. It shows her family as they struggle to survive in the racist community, try to keep their land and survive on the little money they get because of the fall in cotton prices due to the economic depression. David Copperfield on the other hand is about a boy growing up in a mid-Victorian world. With his family dieing around him, nowhere to live and people constantly taking advantage of him, David also has a hard time growing up. In Roll of thunder we see the whole story through the eyes of Cassie and how life is for her. Whilst in David Copperfield the story is told by David so we only see how he thought it happened. In this essay I am going to compare the way in which these two young people are treated as victims and whether their characters influence people to treat them inadequately. At home David has memories of a happy childhood, until his mother Clara remarries to a man called Mr Murdstone who victimised him. In the early days of David's existence he describes his life as being picture perfect. 'my mother and I and Peggoty-for Peggoty is quite our companion my mother reads to Peggoty and me there is nothing half as green as that grass' David loved his childhood he remembers everything to be idealistic which reminds us that the story is from David's point of view and may not be exactly how it was really. We can tell that he cherishes the time when it was only he Clara and Peggoty because of the emotive language used by the author. When Mr Mu... ...d into her, tackling her with such force that we both fell over' 'and she apologised for herself and her father' Cassie devised a foul proof plan to 'stitch' Lillian Jean up. She then bribed her into not telling anyone. Although her family are constantly victimised she knows that they shouldn't be treated in that way and so won't put up with it. David and Cassie are both treated as victims throughout their childhoods. I think on one hand David is treated like a victim because he doesn't know how he should be treated and doesn't stick up for himself and on the other Cassie is treated like a victim because she knows how she should be treated and speaks out about it. While David apologises for what he has done -usually nothing- Cassie plots her revenge. I think both stories show realistic points of view of two people struggling to survive their childhoods.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Final Project: Analyzing Financial Statements
The disadvantages of line item budgeting, according to Martin (2001) line-item budgets say nothing about how much service a human service agency provides, the cost of that service, the number of outcomes the agency accomplished, or their attendant costs. Another disadvantage is it limits the ability to aka change decisions as the environment and conditions change. For the most part, a line item budget is simple to read. The purpose of Performance budgeting system is to plan, budget and evaluate emphasis in relationships between money budgeted and services and or results expected.The advantages and disadvantages of performance budgeting system are they give information on the amount of services provided by an agency and the program costs, including estimation of the cost per output per unit AT service. I en Lastingness AT performance Educating system are It is not always reliable. In some organization, the performance budget system is depended up other departments input in order to kn ow the output for the agency. If one-department documents are available or inaccurate, it can throw off the entire performance system.The purpose of program budgeting system is it gives insight to the effectiveness of an agency. It also relates outcome to inputs. The major advantages of program budgeting systems are that (a) they provide information on the amount of (client) outcomes achieved by a human service program and the attendant costs, including determination of cost per outcome, and (b) they raise the bevel of debate from service and efficiency concerns to clients and effectiveness concerns. The disadvantages are it is difficult to measure the outcome of performance.With program budgeting systems, the debate is on effectiveness concerns (what happens to clients in terms of outcomes), not on line items or efficiency considerations. Program budgeting systems represent one way of personalizing that most elusive of all human service and social work goals: maintaining a client f ocus, Martin, (2001). Two types of traditional approaches to fund development that are appropriate for the EX. Corporation are Grant writing and undersides. In writing a grant proposal, one has to be precise in the what and why he/she is requesting a grant.In many cases a fundraiser can and will meet the needs of an organizations. Two types of nontraditional approaches to fund development that are appropriate for the EX. Corporation are A Walk-A-Thong fundraiser is one way of raising funds for PH. ; Location – Most colleges will allow walk-a-thong on their campuses as long as the date does not conflict with any other events they may have scheduled. ; Date – Check dates in the community to make sure there are no conflicting dates to hinder the outcome of the walk-a-thong outcome. ; Food & Drinks – although it is a walk-a-thong, people will need food and drinks to keep up their strength.Solicit area grocery stores for fruits and things for sandwiches as well as dr inks, such as water and Juices. ; Print up and pass out boosters. Boosters are sheets of paper that people sign stating their pledge amounts as well as their names. Soliciting funds from local area businesses may be another way to raise funds for PH. ; Organize a team of individuals who are willing to either make phone calls to different businesses in the area, asking for donations or send a am out into the community personally soliciting funds from area businesses.Since most people enjoy dinner, dancing and conversations, one method I would use would be a Pasta Dinner Fundraiser. Steps into making this a success are: ; Choose a Date – Check school calendars, holidays, major town events, and other organizations so there is no conflict with other events that could potentially affect the outcome of dinner. ; Location – Seek out a place that will donate space for the event, such as a church or school. ; Advertise – Sell Tickets in advance. Make posters and post the m in noticeable areas. ;The Food – Solicit food or paper good donations from area groceries, Italian restaurants (sauce), bread stores, and grocery stores. In soliciting for food, products include drinks, such as coffee, soft drinks, creamers, sugar substitutes as well as sugars. ; The Ambiance – Solicit music: search for a DC or a band to play for the event. Solicit area businesses for prizes and sell raffle ticket, Brewer (2011). If calculations are correct, EX. Corporation financial status is in good standing. If they continue on ten path teen are on, Ana malignant tenet annual average organization should continue to provide services for those in need.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Helen of Troy allusion from Romeo and Juliet Essay
Allusion location: Act 2, Scene 4, line 107 Quote: â€Å"Helen and Hero were sluts and harlots.†Plot context: Romeo has just arranged for Juliet and his marriage and is walking home when Mercutio spots him. Mercutio makes jokes about how his girl is so beautiful that she makes the most beautiful women in history look ugly. Mercutio also mentions that Romeo gave them the slip the previous night. Romeo replies and asked what they meant and Mercutio starts making sexual jokes about what Romeo was doing the previous night. Romeo responds to Mercutios jokes humorously and continues to joke with Mercutio. Research: Helen of Troy is sometimes referred to the face that launched a thousand ships. Helen of Troy was said to be the daughter of Zeus and was kidnapped by Theseus, king of Athens, and Pirithous, king of Larissa because they wanted to make love with the daughter of Zeus before they died. When Helen was older she had thousands of suitors. To pick the suitor Helens father made the suitors all sweat to protect Helen and whoever her husband should be and then created a competition which Menelaus won. When Menelaus took Helen back to Pleistheines and they lived happily for about a year before Paris, the prince of Troy, came to Pleistheines and fell in love with Helen. When Menelaus left to go to a funeral in Crete, Paris and Helen fled for Troy with some of Menelaus’s wealth. When Pleistheines returned and found out what had happened he called for all of Helens old suitors to keep their promise and help him bring back Helen. Analysis: The reference to Helen of Troy has often been used to compare a beautiful woman to Helen of Troy to say that they are beautiful. The allusion to Helen of Troy is foreshadowing because Romeo and Paris both fight over Juliet just like Menelaus fought Paris over Helen.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Effect of Toluene and Xylene in solvents on humans Essay
Toluene and Xylene are some of the major compounds in the solvents that affect the humans. Both, Toluene and Xylene, exert some effects like irritation at the site of contact and CNS depression. Irritation Solvents are in liquid form when at room temperature, but they are volatile too. When these solvents are in liquid form, once they come in contact with the skin, irritation may occur. When they are volatile, inhalation of these vapors may cause irritation in the respiratory track and the vapors may cause irritation to the eyes even. CNS Depression CNS depression is defined as the consistent effect of these solvents at sufficiently high levels of exposure. The symptoms are disorientation, giddiness, and euphoria. The syndrome may progress to paralysis, convulsions and unconsciousness. Death may ensue. The mechanism is not clear yet but the observation that narcosis (CNS Depression) was related to the solubility of toluene and Xylene in lipid and not at all related to their chemical structure, and hence suggested that narcosis resulted from CNS cell dysfunction following solubilizing of the solvents in the cell membrane. There are also a variety of specific effects of toluene and Xylene in solvents on humans. The diversity of these effects is a result of the different metabolic being formed. They are effect on liver, kidneys, nervous system, and hematopoietic system.
Achievements and Career Goals of Studying Respiratory Care (Therapy) Essay
Achievements and Career Goals of Studying Respiratory Care (Therapy) - Essay Example As an aspiring respiratory therapist in the future, my career goals involve the provision of superior health care and assistance to the patients sufferring from cardiorespiratory illnesses as well as to be a health professional who serve to create a positive difference in the life of each patient. My decision to become a respiratory therapist started when I was working as a certified nursing attendant. I felt the need to care and help my patients more, aside from assisting them with their activities of daily living. I have been working as a certified nursing attendant since April 2008. The relevance of my previous work to the health care field has made me acquire a lot of achievements. As a certified nursing attendant, my daily interaction with patients and physicians has provided extensive knowledge of information and techniques needed to diagnose human disorders.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Research Papre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Research Papre - Essay Example This process gets more aggravated when the people cut more trees, which are absorbers of carbon emitted. If we look at history of earth, we can notice that the earth has cooled and heated alternatively in a gradual span of time. The climate of the earth change according to the intensity of sun light receive or due to shift in the orbital movement of earth. However, in the recent times, one force which has alleviated the heating process of earth is humanity. As per (wiscombe,2012)â€Å"The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6 ° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years†. Global warming can be described as a swift increase in the temperature of earth due to a vast release of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere due to the burning up of fossils by humans. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon where in the infrared radiation emitted by atmosphere heat up the planet’s surface. The term â€Å"greenhouse effect†derived from an analogy where the heating up of air inside a greenhouse is compared with the air present outside the greenhouse. Apart from earth, the planets Venus and Mars also experience greenhouse effect. Naturally earth receives heat in the form of radiation from sun and 30% of this incoming energy is solar radiation. The 70% of remaining solar energy is absorbed by the land, ocean and atmosphere of the earth. This natural process occurs in order to give the earth a temperature which is of a stable state and not to allow rapid heating or cooling in the earth’s atmosphere. Generally speaking, only one percent of the earth’s atmosphere is comprised of greenhouse gases .But this greenhouse gas has a feature of trapping heat in the atmosphere and creating a warm blanket of air around the planet. This is what is known as â€Å"green house effect†. Without this greenhouse
Sunday, October 6, 2019
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides - Essay Example The parents were afraid of the girls’ independence, and showed signs that they wished for Victorian moralities for their daughters, for the parents were also afraid that the girls would capitalize on their budding sexuality. As these fears drove the parents to the drastic measures of virtually imprisoning the girls, and the girls’ suicide was probably a result of this decision, it can be said that the parents fears of letting the girls be independent and to experiment with boys were the key decisions that led to the girls’s suicides. Discussion One of the themes of the novel is the lack of independence of the girls, and the parents’ desperate attempt to subvert any sense of independence that the girls might have had. This is a theme that is found in the book and in life, for much has been written about how women should be weak, and docile, not strong and independent, and this apparently is what motivated the Lisbon parents. According to Simone De Beauvoir (1949) the appearance of femininity is one of docility, futility and weakness, and that â€Å"to please they must abdicate†(De Beauvoir, 1949, p. 353). This is shown by an examination of great novels, such as Little Women, The Last of the Mohicans and The Mill on the Floss. In each of these novels, the tomboyish, independent woman is pushed aside, romantically, by the protagonist boy. According to De Beauvoir, this is proof that passive, servile women are preferred to their independent sisters (De Beauvoir, 1949, p. 352). Alex de Tocqueville felt that women entered confining marriage, and that these women gave up their sense of independence â€Å"It may be said that she has learned by the use of her independence to surrender it without a struggle†(Faludi, 1991, p. 48). Another theme in the book is the tamping down of nascent sexuality. De Beauvoir contends that adolescent girls cope with the changes that are bestowed upon them by becoming the coquette, as they were i n childhood. They accomplish this by doing their makeup and hair, massaging her breasts to make them grow, and studying her smile in the mirror. This awakens an eroticism in the young girl and the young adolescent boy. However, for the adolescent boy, this awakening eroticism is a badge of honor – of â€Å"transcendence and power†(De Beauvoir, 1949, p. 349). For the adolescent girl, this awakening causes the girl to â€Å"retain a cast of shame†(De Beauvoir, 1949, p. 349). In other words, it is perfectly normal for a girl to want to become feminine and use her feminine wiles as she reaches puberty, and this was something that was denied by Mr. and Mrs. Lisbon, especially Mrs. Lisbon. At the same time, acting upon the newfound eroticism is a cause for censure. This is in line with the Lisbon’s parents’ beliefs about their daughters, for any hint of sexuality was extinguished before it could even come into fruition. The Lisbon parents made sure of this by not allowing the girls to go out with boys. There is every indication that the parents in The Virgin Suicides had these antiquated beliefs, that the girls should not have independence and should not realize their sexuality, despite the fact that the novel takes place during the early to mid 1970s. This was an era that was marked by change in the female situation – women were helping to forge anti-discrimination policies and policies regarding equal
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