Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Biography of Jacob J.Lew, Former Treasury Secretary
Biography of Jacob J.Lew, Former Treasury Secretary Jacob Joseph Jack Lew (born Aug. 29, 1955) served as the 76th United States secretary of the treasury from 2013 to 2017. Nominated by President Barak Obama on Jan. 10, 2013, Lew was confirmed by the Senate on Feb. 27, 2013, and sworn in the next day to replace the retiring Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Before his service as treasury secretary, Lew served as director of the Office of Management and Budget in the administrations of Obama and President Bill Clinton. Lew was replaced as secretary of the treasury on Feb.13, 2017, by President Donald Trump’s nominee ​Steven Mnuchin, a banker and former hedge fund manager. Fast Facts: Jacob J. "Jack" Lew Known For: 76th U.S. Treasury Secretary under former President Barak Obama, also served as chief of staff under Obama and director of the Office of Management and Budget under both Obama and former President Bill ClintonAlso Known As: Jacob Joseph. Jack LewBorn: Aug. 29, 1955 in New York CityParents: Ruth Turoff and Irving LewEducation: Harvard University (BA, 1978), Georgetown University (JD, 1983)Awards and Honors: Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters (Georgetown University, 2014)Spouse: Ruth SchwartzChildren: Shoshana, IsaacNotable Quotes: The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations. ... In my last tour of duty here in the 1990s, we made the tough, bipartisan decisions needed to bring our budget into surplus. Once again, it will take tough choices to put us on a sustainable fiscal path. Early Life and Education Lew was born on Aug. 29, 1955, in New York City to Irving Lew, a lawyer and rare book dealer, and Ruth Turoff. Lew attended New York City public schools, graduating from Forest Hill High School, where he met his future wife Ruth Schwartz. After attending Carleton College in Minnesota, Lew graduated from Harvard University in 1978 and from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1983. Government Career While involved in the federal government for nearly 40 years, Lew has never held an elected position. At just 19, Lew worked as a legislative aide to U.S. Rep. Joe Moakley (D-Mass.) from 1974 to 1975. After working for Rep. Moakley, Lew worked as a senior policy adviser to famed Speaker of the House Tip ONeill. As an adviser to ONeill, Lew served as executive director of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. Lew also served as ONeills liaison to the 1983 Greenspan Commission, which successfully negotiated a bipartisan legislative solution extending the solvency of the Social Security program. In addition, Lew assisted ONeill with economic issues, including Medicare, federal budget, tax, trade, spending and appropriations, and energy issues. Clinton Administration From 1998 to 2001, Lew served as director of the Office of Management and Budget, a Cabinet-level position under President Bill Clinton. At OMB, Lew headed up the Clinton administrations budget team and was a member of the National Security Council. During Lews three years as head of the OMB, the U.S. budget actually operated at a surplus for the first time since 1969. Since 2002, the budget has suffered an ever-increasing deficit. Under President Clinton, Lew also helped design and implement the national service program Americorps. Between Clinton and Obama Following the end of the Clinton administration, Lew served as executive vice president and chief operating officer of New York University. While at NYU, he taught public administration and handled the universitys budget and finances. After leaving NYU in 2006, Lew went to work for Citigroup, serving as managing director and chief operating officer for two of the banking giants business units. From 2004 through 2008, Lew also served on the board of directors of the Corporation for National and Community Service, chairing its Management, Administration, and Governance Committee. Obama Administration Lew first joined the Obama administration in 2010 as deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. In November 2010, he was confirmed by the Senate as director of the Office of Management and Budget, the same office he held under President Clinton from 1998 to 2001. On Jan. 9, 2012, President Obama selected Lew as his White House chief of staff. During his time as chief of staff, Lew acted as a key negotiator between Obama and Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner in attempts to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff, the $85-billion forced budget sequestration and tax increases for wealthy Americans. In a 2012 article written for the HuffPost, Lew explained the Obama administrations plan for reducing the U.S. deficit as including: cutting $78 billion from the Department of Defense budget, raising the income tax rate for the top 2% of income earners to what they were during the Clinton administration, and reducing the federal tax rate on corporations from 35% to 25%. In my last tour of duty here in the 1990s, we made the tough, bipartisan decisions needed to bring our budget into surplus, wrote Lew. Once again, it will take tough choices to put us on a sustainable fiscal path. After Washington After Lews service in Washington, he returned to Wall Street to join a private equity firm. He is also a much-sought-after commentator on cable news shows, on issues ranging from the state of the economy to economic relations with China. Sources â€Å"Jacob J. Lew.† Jacob J. Lew | Columbia SIPA.Meredith, Sam. â€Å"More Bumps in the Road before US-China Trade Deal, Former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Warns.† CNBC, CNBC, 26 Mar. 2019.Mittelman, Melissa. â€Å"Jack Lew Goes Back to Wall Street.†, Bloomberg, 20 Nov. 2017.Nottingham, Melissa. â€Å"Ruth Schwartz- Secretary of Treasury Jacob Lews Wife.† WAGPOLITICS.COM, 1 Oct. 2013.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Diluting the Bucket List
Diluting the Bucket List Diluting the Bucket List Diluting the Bucket List By Maeve Maddox The idiom â€Å"to kick the bucket,†meaning â€Å"to die,†has been used in English since the eighteenth century. The term â€Å"bucket list†makes its earliest appearance on the Ngram Viewer in 1962, forty-five years before it was popularized by the movie The Bucket List (2007). A â€Å"bucket list†is a list of things that a person hopes to experience or achieve before dying. In the movie, a character played by Morgan Freeman is diagnosed with lung cancer and makes such a list. Less than a decade has passed since the movie popularized the term, and already it has dwindled into a mere synonym for â€Å"to-do list.†A â€Å"to-do list†is a list of tasks that need to be completed during a period of time. A typical daily to-do list might look like this: 1. cut grass 2. pick up cleaning 3. take cat to vet 4. play basketball 5. renew library book An advertising campaign called â€Å"Summer Bucket List†alerted me to the fact that the term â€Å"bucket list†is being used as a synonym for â€Å"to-do list.†The ads show people drinking beer and engaging in ordinary summer activities. The â€Å"bucket list†in the context of the ads is simply a list of outdoor activities to be fitted into one’s schedule before the end of summer. The same day I saw one of the â€Å"summer bucket list†ads, I watched a rerun of Bones (television crime series) and heard two characters discuss goals to be achieved before the age of thirty as â€Å"a bucket list.†I suppose this use could be argued as being metaphoric: â€Å"life after thirty equals death.†Here are some examples in which â€Å"bucket list†seems to be overkill: But dont let high school pass you by- be sure to make the most of your last days before college by creating your own senior year bucket list full of things you want to do or accomplish by graduation day. - Huffington Post. Back when my hubby and I first got married almost 7 years ago, we had some fairly standard items on our â€Å"before baby†bucket list. - Maternity advice blog. To help you take these last months [of college] by storm, we’ve compiled the ultimate bucket list of things you’ve been meaning to do since freshman year. - MTV site. Write yourself a marriage bucket list to ensure that you and your spouse’s first year together is one full of fun, love and laughter!- Wedding advice site. It was inevitable that â€Å"bucket list†would morph into â€Å"list of things to be done before a particular event- not necessarily dying- takes place.†To me, the use of â€Å"bucket list†in such contexts sounds creepy, especially when the terminal event is something joyous, like the birth of a baby. Related post: â€Å"Pushing Up Daisies†and Other Euphemisms for Death Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Dialogue Dos and Don'ts5 Brainstorming Strategies for Writers40 Idioms with First
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How Stress Management and Decision Making affect the Hospitality and Essay
How Stress Management and Decision Making affect the Hospitality and Events Industry - Essay Example A combination exhibiting of any of these conditions is normally a good indicator that a person is experiencing stress. In addition to these physical symptoms of stress, over time stress can end up affecting a person’s immune system to the point whereby the person easily gets sick, low fertility, stress can also cause someone to experience lower back, shoulders and neck pain form the constant muscle tension that results from stress. Skin conditions, muscle and lung problems are also greatly worsened by stress (Banyard, 2009). Psychological Effects of Stress In addition to the physical symptoms of stress, there are also some psychological effects of stress that can severely affect a person’s thoughts and emotions. These include tendencies by persons suffering from stress to worry too much about relatively small and unimportant things; the person may also feel tired or even jumpy all the time in addition to finding it to be invariably difficult for them to focus on even si mple mundane tasks. A person will also tend to constantly imagine that bad things are happening or almost happening in addition to their feeling cranky, having a short temper that causes them to keep on yelling at others for no apparent reason which ultimately causes them to feel extremely frustrated (Fink, 2010). Consequences of Stress and Coping Behaviors in the Hospitality and Events Industry There have been a few studies conducted focusing on investigating the consequences of stress in the hospitality industry. Some of these consequences of stress include sleep disorders, annoyance, nervousness, high blood pressure, heart diseases, lack of appetite and smoking among others (Topaloglu and Tuna, 1998). Studies conducted by Bymer et al. (1991) aimed at trying to examine stress and the subsequent coping mechanisms specifically in the hospitality industry among managers working in 23 hotels across the United States indicated that job stressors had a negative impact on how the manager s conducted their managerial duties as well affecting the employee attitudes at the various hotels resulting in high numbers of on-the-job accidents, turnover, sick days, absenteeism low levels of productivity and job satisfaction (Landy and Conte 2010). The Relationship between Stress and Work Performance The Inverted U is one of the oldest and most important stress management ideas used to try and establish the relationship that exists between stress and work performance. When the pressure being exerted on a person
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Business letter - Essay Example This is indicated by CEO comment that poor performance resulted from increase in gas prices, and people cutting back on carbohydrates. Instead, if I was the CEO I could have refrained from making any comment and instead order a quick investigation to be done by the experts so that we come up with the appropriate measure to change the situation. Also, for a firm to succeed there must be a close relationship between top management and their subordinates. This would have ensured that the top management has a deep insight of what could have been led to tremendous decrease in sales. As a result, the most hurt personnel in the organization are the stockholders who have invested their capital in the business for returns. This is because the situation could have caused depreciation of the value of their investment rather than appreciation. In my view, failure for the company to remain competitive in the market can be attributed by all stakeholders who have a role to play in ensuring that the company performs well. In addition, overreliance on top management to undertake all roles in the company could also have led to poor performance. Instead, the organization could have agitated for team work an aspect that could have increased coordination in all sectors involved in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Literature Review and Empirical Essay Example for Free
Literature Review and Empirical Essay From the early eighties to the nineties, the Standard Rate increased modestly, but is still below its mid-seventies level. While researchers have identified many reasons for the low UI recipiency rates over the past twenty years, many questions remain as to the causes behind the low rate and steps that policy and program officials might take to increase it. While the Standard Rate is the most commonly used measure to evaluate the effectiveness of the UI program, researchers have developed alternative UI recipiency rates to address some of the limitations of the standard measure. The standard measure is expressed as the ratio of the insured unemployed (i. e. , the number of regular UI claimants) to the total number unemployed. Alternative measures have been designed to better capture the effectiveness of the UI program by including the full range of UI programs available to the unemployed (beyond the regular program) and by more accurately defining the UI target population (a subset of unemployed workers). Purpose and Methodology The purpose of this report is to examine why the Standard Rate, as well as alternative recipiency rates, declined sharply in the early eighties and continued to remain well below their midseventies level in the early nineties. We critically reviewed the findings from the research literature to explore the factors others have identified to explain the drop in the UI recipiency rate. The literature review enabled us to identify factors for inclusion in our empirical analysis and to assess the effects of factors that could not be included in our own analysis. Our empirical analysis is based primarily on the methodology used by Burtless and Saks (1984) and focuses only on changes in the UI recipiency rate over recessionary periods. It is important to compare similar economic periods because the UI recipiency rate is higher during recessionary periods and lower during periods of economic expansion. We first replicated the analysis from Burtless and Saks, estimating the effects of various factors that influenced the rate used in their original analysis from the seventies recession (1975-76) to the eighties recession (1981-83). We then extended their earlier analysis by testing the effects of additional factors during that period. Next, we updated the analysis to include data from the most recent recessionary period in the nineties (1991-92). We chose the period in the nineties to be consistent with the periods of rising unemployment rates selected by Burtless and Saks. Finally, we extended their analysis by using the Standard Rate and two additional measures of UI recipiency selected to measure the performance of the UI programs during recessionary periods. Our conclusions about the effects of various factors on the UI recipiency rate are based on the findings from both the critical review of the literature and our empirical analysis. We also present evaluation design options to address some of the limitations of current knowledge. The Lewin Group, Inc. E-1 156059 Executive Summary C. UI Recipiency Rate Measures Four UI recipiency rate measures were selected for the empirical analysis. Standard Rate: number of weekly claims for regular program unemployment insurance benefits, as a proportion of all unemployed workers;1 All Programs Rate: number of weekly claims for all program (regular, extended and federal) unemployment insurance benefits, as a proportion of all unemployed workers; Standard Short-term Rate: number of weekly claims for regular program unemployment insurance benefits, as a proportion of job losers unemployed less than 27 weeks; and All Programs Job Loser Rate: number of weekly claims for all program (regular, extended and federal) unemployment insurance benefits, as a proportion of all job losers. The final three UI recipiency rates deviate from the Standard Rate by changing the definition of UI claimants, unemployed workers, or both. Because the All Programs Rate and the All Programs Job Loser Rate include all UI program claimants, Wandner and Stengle (1996) argue that they are generally better measures of UI coverage during recessionary periods when extended benefit programs are provided. The All Programs Job Loser Rate differs from the All Programs Rate because it targets a subset of unemployed workers (i. e. , job losers) who would be most likely to qualify for UI benefits. The Standard Short-term Rate only includes regular program claimants and the general â€Å"target population†for the regular state program, job losers unemployed less than 27 weeks. This final measure was used in the original Burtless and Saks analysis. All three alternative rates are larger than the Standard Rate because they use either a more expansive definition of UI claimants and/or a more restrictive definition of unemployed workers. From the seventies to the eighties, all four recipiency rates declined sharply (Exhibit 1). The largest reductions are for the All Programs Rate and the All Programs Job Loser Rate. These rates declined by more than the Standard Rate because of the large cutbacks in the extended benefit programs that were implemented in the early eighties. From the eighties to the nineties, the Standard Rate increased slightly. There is not, however, a large change in either the All Programs or All Programs Job Loser rates over this period, due to the small number of extended claimants. If, however, the analysis were extended to periods following March 1992, there would be an increase in both of these rates because of the extension of benefits through the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EU3) program. 2 The Standard Short-term Rate follows the same general pattern as the Standard Rate, though there is a much sharper drop-off in the Standard Short-term rate in the early eighties that corresponds with fewer short term job losers receiving regular program benefits.
Friday, November 15, 2019
A tree grows in brooklyn :: essays research papers
â€Å"A person who pulls himself up from a low environment via the boot-strap route has two choices. Having risen above his environment, he can forget it; or, he can rise above it and never forget it and keep compassion in his heart for those has left behind him in the cruel up climb.†(pg 129) Betty Smith’s novel A Tree Grows In Brooklyn is a tale of poignant family relationships and childhood and also of grim privation. The story revolves around the protagonist of the story, young Francie Nolan. She is an imaginative, endearing 11-year-old girl growing up in 1912, in Brooklyn, New York. The entire story revolves around Francie and the Nolan family, including her brother Neelie, her mother Katie and her father Johnny. An ensemble of high relief characters aids and abets them in their journey through this story of sometimes bleak survival and everlasting hope. As we find out, the struggle for survival is primarily focused against the antagonist of this story, the hard-grinding poverty afflicting Francie, the Nolan’s and Brooklyn itself. The hope in the novel is shown symbolically in the â€Å"The â€Å"Tree of Heaven††. A symbol used throughout the novel to show hope, perseverance and to highlight other key points. Although the author, Betty Smith, denied ever writing a novel with socially political motives, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn abounds with references to class issues. Nearly every scene, every character illustrates or deals with the problem of poverty in early twentieth-century America. For the Nolan’s, being poor means they must always think about being poor – how they will buy the next load of coal, where their food will come from, their insurance, rent, medicine, all the necessities of raising a family. The novel also shows that poverty is not just the absence of food or comfort, it is the direct cause for Uncle Flittman to leave, Johnny’s utter nothingness and Francie’s inability to go to a high school. Every action in the novel is based around a limited amount of resources, as not only the Nolan’s but also the entire community suffers. Exploitation abounds, whether in the overpriced sale of candy, child labour in metal collection, dishonest grocers a nd butchers and employers with impunity to set their own rules. Katie does her best with the household money, and we find that for the poor sometimes a luxury isn’t in getting something, but in being able to waste it.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
International Development and Development Projects
Since Pakistan's commencement in 1947, the legislature has attempted nonstop endeavors to give free, all inclusive, essential training to its residents. This is prove by instructive plans, strategies, and five-year training segment changes, incorporating organizations with global offices and created nations. Be that as it may, these endeavors have not yielded any additions for the natives. Pakistan has a proficiency rate of 49.9 percent, one of the most reduced in South Asia and whatever is left of the world. Pakistan's male and female education rates are 61.7 percent and 35.2 percent. The female education rate drops to 25 percent in rustic regions, and young ladies' school enlistment of fifty-five percent drops to 20% from Grade 1 to 6. For the reasons for these measurements, a proficient individual is characterized by Pakistan's Ministry of Education as one who can read a daily paper and compose a straightforward letter in any dialect. Pakistan's populace of 167 million is sixty-five percent country and thirty-five percent urban, with residents confronting different interlinked issues influencing their personal satisfaction, for example, absence of education, neediness, and the absence of essential necessities (protect, gas, water, and power). Likewise, a culture of feudalism and man controlled society makes structures of energy and control that deny nationals of their rights, including that of training. Studies have been directed on training in Pakistan, 1. Investigations of ladies' character, sexual orientation, and training have been directed by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Children's Funds (UNICEF), and the Aga Khan University-Institute of Educational Development (AKU-IED) Institute in Pakistan. View all notes, be that as it may, they have been constrained in scope as far as young ladies' training. This article tends to the hole in female proficiency grant. Its motivation is to fundamentally examine the condition of young ladies' instruction in Pakistan regarding three factors: the purposes behind low proficiency and school enlistment rates, sexual orientation inclinations in educational programs and reading material, and social standards. In view of this investigation, the article finishes up with measures to build school enlistment and proficiency rates for young ladies and ladies.Paper ref:A Critical Analysis of School Enrollment and Literacy Rates of Girls and Women in PakistanAmna LatifJournalEducational Studies A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association Volume 45, 2009 – Issue 5: WOMEN AND EDUCATION ReferencesAzam, Z (1993). Towards the 21st Century Pakistan: Women, education and Social Change. National Book foundation, Islamabad: Pakistan, p.53. Federal Bureaue of Statistics, Islamabad (2008-09).Khalid Tanveer, (1998) An Introduction to Educational Philosophy and History, 9th Edition, S.M. Printers, Karachi, Pakistan, p. 3.Khalid, H.S. (1996), â€Å"Female Teachers' and Girls' Access to Primary Schools in rural Pakistan: A Case Study†, pp.34-55. Latif, A. (2007).Alarming Situation of Education in Pakistan. World Education Forum, News and Views, Grassroots Stories Pakistan. Saeed, Amera, (1990), Structural Issues in Women Development in Pakistan, UNICIEF; 12 D East SNC Center, Blue Area, Islamabad,1990, pp.27-35.Vidyu Lata, (1990).Developing Rural Women, New Delhi, Discovery Publishers, p.1. Leach Fiona E., Angela Little (1999) Education, cultures, and economics: dilemmas for development, 1st Edition, Routledge Publishers, Newyark, pp. 351-375.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Tiger Mum
In recent year, a book â€Å"Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mom†written by Amy Chu have arouse public attention. It evoked general public’s vivid discussion about choose the Chinese or Western parenting way. Tiger Mom is denote to the aggressive moms, albeit originally it referred to Chinese mothers, since those parents succeed in raising extraordinary academic achievers' children. Tiger mum boost her offspring to be the best. She put all the effort to her son or daughter. Taking Amy Chu as an example, she is a typically â€Å"tiger mum†. She has two daughters who both are outstanding at academic and instruments.Chu (2011) claim that the main reason of her daughters having various achievements as she choosing Chinese parenting ways to raise her offspring. However, Chinese parenting way also exist several drawbacks. A Tiger mum does not equal a better future of child Firstly, the most obvious disadvantage is damaging the child’s self-esteem. In Chinese parenting, parent tends to employ punishment than admiring. For instance, when the children got B at examination, Western family will give the child a lot of encourage and tolerance .On the other hand, Chinese family will penalize her sons or daughters, as they think the child must not work hard enough. Those parents may shame their child or call them useless or garbage (Chua, 2011). It would directly affect children psychological growth. If children always take punishment without praise or appreciation, they would have low self-esteem. They will not have motivation to improve because their parent have ridiculously high standard. Whenever they do a great job, they also think that is their responsibility. The more conflict and less cohesion in a teen's family, the more likely they were to have poor mental health. †(Pappas, 2012, Para 5). Finally, the children not only do not have high achievement but also low self-identification. Secondly, another shortcoming of tiger mum’s parent ing way is restricting the teenager own critical thinking and creativity. Those adolescent only follow their parent order and desire from their young generation. Due to the parent ponder the younger are not mature enough to decide a right path (Peg Streep, 2009). Hence, their parents would arrange a very dense schedule for their children to observe.As time goes by, the juvenile will become as a machine or robot because they do not have critical thinking and creativity in their daily. They are not allow to choose their own choices. Everything must obey by their tiger parents. As a result, their children could not individually determine and propose new ideas. When they growth up, they cannot easily be promoted to higher position as they not well-equipped in this area. Moreover, it is no exaggeration to issue that the adolescent who raising by Chinese parenting is lacking social skills, those adolescent have required fulfilling the schedule designed by their parent’s.According t o Amy Chu (2011), she has very strict parenting to raise her daughter. She does not permit her daughters to have their liberal leisure time to watch television or play computer games, even does not allow them to participate in redundant extracurricular activities instead of playing violin or piano. Her daughter can hardly to meet their friends and play together. Also, she commands her offspring to maintain outstanding academic result. Every test and examination grade is greater than A. Those children do not have any spare time to chat and play with friends.They cannot practice their social skills such as conversation skills, social perception skills and emotional control skills. It is vital for them to work in the future as it could affect the relationship between you and your supervisor or colleague (Lee, 2000). It is truthfully to say that without social skills would not have a great prospect Tiger mum expect their children to have great academic result to enter famous college. Ne vertheless, in Tiger mum parenting way cause the children to become low self-esteem, stereotyped and lack of social skills. In the child grow up period, it is very important for them to cultivate these vital factors.In current years, Andy Leung, a Chinese University Of Hong Kong master had an outstanding academic result, but he was absolutely failed in his social skill. He also cannot find a job after interview more than 200 times. It proof that Tiger mum’s parenting way does not mean that the children can have brightened future. Parents have responsibilities that are unique to parenthood, providing guidance and discipline for their teenagers. But they also gave a responsibility to respect their teens and treat them as persons having equal human worth and dignity. As the old saying goes that â€Å"all children are ifted†, parents should give more support and encourage for their offspring instead of pushing highly expectation on their child. It only makes the case worse and worse. It is a golden opportunity for parents to think twice how to up bring their child is the best. Reference List: â€Å"Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mom†,Amy Chu, Penguin Press, 2011 â€Å"Nurturing Success: Successful women of color and their daughters†, Essie E. Lee, 2000 â€Å"Mean Mothers†, Peg Streep, 2009 â€Å"Study: ‘Tiger Parenting' Tough on Kids†, Stephanie Pappas, 2012 http://www. livescience. com/18023-tiger-parenting-tough-kids. html Tiger Mum In recent year, a book â€Å"Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mom†written by Amy Chu have arouse public attention. It evoked general public’s vivid discussion about choose the Chinese or Western parenting way. Tiger Mom is denote to the aggressive moms, albeit originally it referred to Chinese mothers, since those parents succeed in raising extraordinary academic achievers' children. Tiger mum boost her offspring to be the best. She put all the effort to her son or daughter. Taking Amy Chu as an example, she is a typically â€Å"tiger mum†. She has two daughters who both are outstanding at academic and instruments.Chu (2011) claim that the main reason of her daughters having various achievements as she choosing Chinese parenting ways to raise her offspring. However, Chinese parenting way also exist several drawbacks. A Tiger mum does not equal a better future of child Firstly, the most obvious disadvantage is damaging the child’s self-esteem. In Chinese parenting, parent tends to employ punishment than admiring. For instance, when the children got B at examination, Western family will give the child a lot of encourage and tolerance .On the other hand, Chinese family will penalize her sons or daughters, as they think the child must not work hard enough. Those parents may shame their child or call them useless or garbage (Chua, 2011). It would directly affect children psychological growth. If children always take punishment without praise or appreciation, they would have low self-esteem. They will not have motivation to improve because their parent have ridiculously high standard. Whenever they do a great job, they also think that is their responsibility. The more conflict and less cohesion in a teen's family, the more likely they were to have poor mental health. †(Pappas, 2012, Para 5). Finally, the children not only do not have high achievement but also low self-identification. Secondly, another shortcoming of tiger mum’s parent ing way is restricting the teenager own critical thinking and creativity. Those adolescent only follow their parent order and desire from their young generation. Due to the parent ponder the younger are not mature enough to decide a right path (Peg Streep, 2009). Hence, their parents would arrange a very dense schedule for their children to observe.As time goes by, the juvenile will become as a machine or robot because they do not have critical thinking and creativity in their daily. They are not allow to choose their own choices. Everything must obey by their tiger parents. As a result, their children could not individually determine and propose new ideas. When they growth up, they cannot easily be promoted to higher position as they not well-equipped in this area. Moreover, it is no exaggeration to issue that the adolescent who raising by Chinese parenting is lacking social skills, those adolescent have required fulfilling the schedule designed by their parent’s.According t o Amy Chu (2011), she has very strict parenting to raise her daughter. She does not permit her daughters to have their liberal leisure time to watch television or play computer games, even does not allow them to participate in redundant extracurricular activities instead of playing violin or piano. Her daughter can hardly to meet their friends and play together. Also, she commands her offspring to maintain outstanding academic result. Every test and examination grade is greater than A. Those children do not have any spare time to chat and play with friends.They cannot practice their social skills such as conversation skills, social perception skills and emotional control skills. It is vital for them to work in the future as it could affect the relationship between you and your supervisor or colleague (Lee, 2000). It is truthfully to say that without social skills would not have a great prospect Tiger mum expect their children to have great academic result to enter famous college. Ne vertheless, in Tiger mum parenting way cause the children to become low self-esteem, stereotyped and lack of social skills. In the child grow up period, it is very important for them to cultivate these vital factors.In current years, Andy Leung, a Chinese University Of Hong Kong master had an outstanding academic result, but he was absolutely failed in his social skill. He also cannot find a job after interview more than 200 times. It proof that Tiger mum’s parenting way does not mean that the children can have brightened future. Parents have responsibilities that are unique to parenthood, providing guidance and discipline for their teenagers. But they also gave a responsibility to respect their teens and treat them as persons having equal human worth and dignity. As the old saying goes that â€Å"all children are ifted†, parents should give more support and encourage for their offspring instead of pushing highly expectation on their child. It only makes the case worse and worse. It is a golden opportunity for parents to think twice how to up bring their child is the best. Reference List: â€Å"Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mom†,Amy Chu, Penguin Press, 2011 â€Å"Nurturing Success: Successful women of color and their daughters†, Essie E. Lee, 2000 â€Å"Mean Mothers†, Peg Streep, 2009 â€Å"Study: ‘Tiger Parenting' Tough on Kids†, Stephanie Pappas, 2012 http://www. livescience. com/18023-tiger-parenting-tough-kids. html
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Career Goals
My Career Goals As I make one of most important decisions in my life thus far, my parents ask, â€Å"Why have you selected Keystone College?†I respond by reminding my parents to reflect about their son whom they have so lovingly and caringly raised for the last eighteen years. They have nurtured an individual who has grown to understand that life is about people. Throughout high school their son practiced and developed positive people caring skills. I remind my parents that my choice in a college will help me continue to improve my ways to better serve people. From what I know and have read, Keystone has such a learning environment that fosters that same sense for caring and helping people succeed. I definitely want to learn from an institution that will help me reach my career goal, one that is centered around people. Whatever major I select, perhaps human resource management studies, I want that educational institution to teach me to become more responsive to peoples’ needs. I strongly believe that Keystone is an institution that practices what it teaches; I would like to take my learning experiences and apply them to people-oriented problems that are found in the real world.... Free Essays on Career Goals Free Essays on Career Goals My Career Goals As I make one of most important decisions in my life thus far, my parents ask, â€Å"Why have you selected Keystone College?†I respond by reminding my parents to reflect about their son whom they have so lovingly and caringly raised for the last eighteen years. They have nurtured an individual who has grown to understand that life is about people. Throughout high school their son practiced and developed positive people caring skills. I remind my parents that my choice in a college will help me continue to improve my ways to better serve people. From what I know and have read, Keystone has such a learning environment that fosters that same sense for caring and helping people succeed. I definitely want to learn from an institution that will help me reach my career goal, one that is centered around people. Whatever major I select, perhaps human resource management studies, I want that educational institution to teach me to become more responsive to peoples’ needs. I strongly believe that Keystone is an institution that practices what it teaches; I would like to take my learning experiences and apply them to people-oriented problems that are found in the real world....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The History of Google and How It Was Invented
The History of Google and How It Was Invented Search engines, or internet portals, have been around since the early days of the internet. But it was Google, a relative latecomer, that would go on to become the premier destination for finding just about anything on the World Wide Web. Definition of a Search Engine A search engine is a program that searches the internet and finds webpages for you based on the keywords that you submit. There are several parts to a search engine, such as: Search engine software, including boolean operators, search fields, and display formatSpider or crawler software that reads web pagesA databaseAlgorithms that rank results for relevancy Inspiration Behind the Name The very popular search engine called Google was invented by computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The site was named after a googol- the name for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros- found in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Edward Kasner and James Newman. To the sites founders, the name represents the immense amount of information that a search engine has to sift through. Backrub, PageRank, and Delivering Search Results In 1995, Page and Brin met at Stanford University while they were graduate students in computer science. By January 1996, the pair began collaborating on writing a program for a search engine dubbed Backrub, named after its ability to do backlink analysis. The project resulted in a widely popular research paper titled The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. The search engine was unique in that it used a technology they developed called PageRank, which determined a websites relevance by taking into account the number of pages, along with the importance of the pages, that linked back to the original site. At the time, search engines ranked results based on how often a search term appeared on a webpage. Next, fueled by the rave reviews that Backrub received, Page and Brin began working on developing Google. It was very much a shoestring project at the time. Operating out of their dorm rooms, the pair built a server network using cheap, used, and borrowed personal computers. They even maxed their credit cards buying terabytes of disks at discount prices. They first tried to license their search engine technology but failed to find anyone that wanted their product at an early stage of development. Page and Brin then decided to keep Google in the meantime and seek more financing, improve the product, and take it to the public themselves when they had a polished product. Initial Funding The strategy worked, and after more development, the Google search engine eventually turned into a hot commodity. Sun Microsystems co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim was so impressed that after a quick demo of Google, he told the pair, Instead of us discussing all the details, why dont I just write you a check? Bechtolsheims check was for $100,000 and was made out to Google Inc., despite the fact that Google as a legal entity did not exist yet. That next step didnt take long, however. Page and Brin incorporated on September 4, 1998. The check also enabled them to raise $900,000 more for their initial round of funding. Other angel investors included founder Jeff Bezos. With sufficient funds, Google Inc. opened its first office in Menlo Park, California., a beta (test status) search engine, was launched and answered 10,000 search queries every day. On September 21, 1999, Google officially removed the beta from its title. Rise to Prominence In 2001, Google filed for and received a patent for its PageRank technology that listed Larry Page as the inventor. By then, the company had relocated to a larger space in nearby Palo Alto. After the company finally went public, there were concerns that the one-time startups rapid growth would change the company culture, which was based on the company motto, Do No Evil. The pledge reflected a commitment by the founders and all employees to carry out their work with objectivity and without conflicts of interest and bias. To ensure the company stayed true to its core values, the position of chief culture officer was established. During the period of rapid growth, the company introduced a variety of products, including Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Voice, and a web browser called Chrome. It also acquired streaming video platform YouTube and More recently, there have been forays into different sectors. Some examples are Nexus (smartphones), Android (mobile operating system), Pixel (mobile computer hardware), a smart speaker (Google Home), broadband (Google Fi), Chromebooks, (laptops), self-driving cars, and numerous other ventures. Advertising revenue generated by search requests remains its biggest earnings driver, however. In 2015, Google underwent a restructuring of divisions and personnel under the conglomerate name Alphabet. Sergey Brin became president of the newly formed parent company, while Larry Page is the CEO. His position at Google was filled with the promotion of Sundar Pichai. Collectively, Alphabet and its subsidiaries consistently rank among the top 10 most valuable companies in the world. Its often also cited among the most influential and admired companies as well.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Why Online Education Is Bad Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Why Online Education Is Bad - Research Paper Example The advent of computers along with internet has attracted so many people to web-based schools otherwise known as e-Learning or virtual learning or online education. VLE is simply called Online Education in this research paper. Usually, there are seven main reasons why students particularly value online education and supported Home Education as a serious alternative to attending physical schools and colleges: Worldwide residents / expatriates wanting a British-style education, but not satisfied with local provision, or living too remote for the desired schooling; Disability or health issues - either of the student, or a close family member; Confidence issues, perhaps associated with: Bullying in a mainstream school; High achievers and independent learners, perhaps with less common learning styles; School "refusers"; Philosophical, social or religious principles. To further confirm some of the findings, presented in this paper the researcher had ventured to do his own survey and found out a similar negative feedback about Online Education. Indeed, the greater majority, 75% showed dissatisfaction for the online instructors. 63.16 % believed in the importance of social interaction as a major part of education. Of those who took online education, 72.7 % believed that their chances for employment will be worse if they base it only on their eLearning courses. The survey of the researcher therefore affirms the information, that Online Education is bad for those who plan to apply for employment soon after finishing a degree in college.
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Return of Martin Guerre Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Return of Martin Guerre - Assignment Example The Return of Martin Guerre The new Martin Guerre was in fact Arnaud du Tilh from another village. The real Guerre had fled to Spain and fought in their war against his home country, where he lost one leg in battle. du Tilh, nicknamed â€Å"Pansette†(the belly) for his voracious appetite for life’s finer things (including women) was also something of a con man and spent years perfecting the Guerre persona, for Pansette also looked remarkably like Guerre. He fooled all the villagers, including Guerre’s sisters but the one person he didn’t hoodwink was Bertrande, Martin’s wife. However, Pansette was all of what Martin never had been, perhaps more of a man, and Bertrande helped the man perfect his lie, living with him as his wife. The one downfall for Pansette was when he sold some of the family holdings and demanded an accounting of his â€Å"father’s†estate from Uncle Pierre, the executor in Martin’s absence. Enraged, Pierre managed to gather enough doubt that Pansette was the real Martin and brought him to trial. With supporters on both sides, the judge craftily turned the case over to Parliament, whose agent decided Pansette was in fact probably Martin. In the midst of that confusion, the real Martin Guerre showed back up on his crutch and proved his identity to be true. Therefore Pansette was executed by hanging. Bertrande, because of her adultery, was sentenced to the same fate but only spared due to her being female. Instead she was forced to watch probably the only man she loved die and had to live with the man who deserted her. So what was life like for the peasant class of sixteenth century Europe, France in particular? For one thing the health conditions were horrendous. The infant mortality rate was so high that thirty-three per cent of babies born failed to survive past their first birthday. That was little wonder, for such diseases as typhus, measles, malaria, smallpox, and scarlet fever were rampant. Add to that the most famous disease of the time, the Bubonic Plague, or Black Death, which killed without mercy from the lowest peasant to the Royal Families themselves. It wiped out huge percentages of the populations within days during its sporadic outbreaks, one of which occurred during Guerre’s time. However, even if one managed to avoid all of this, the average life expectancy was around forty years old. Essential services were nonexistent. There was very little fresh drinking water and raw sewage ran in the fields and streets. Hygiene was very seldom practiced and people went weeks or months without bathing. Without refrigeration, meats and dairy products spoiled very quickly. Fresh fruits and vegetables were also scarce so scurvy and rickets were commonplace. All of this contributed to an abundance of vermin such as rats and their fleas, which in turn were directly responsible for the Plague. Clothing was simple and mostly handmade for the peasant class, for fabric was expensive and rare. The French peasants, like their counterparts throughout Europe, toiled with the same primitive tools their ancestors had used for centuries. Draft animals such as horses were scant so most of the work was done by hand. The money-based economies were growing for the middle and upper
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