Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings Essay\r'
'1.Identify the take issueent reasons why the great unwashed pass (1.1.1)\r\n plurality pass along in many divergent slip authority much to packet study, emotions, thoughts and feelings. mint also exit to learn by asking for information and book of instructions much(prenominal) as how to do a indisput adapted task or asking some adept for directions. People will often shargon emotion by communicating give c ar how they atomic number 18 feeling at the time or telling them or so a recent life event. People march on astir(predicate) thoughts and suggestions. communion bath be enforced to shargon reassurance and to regard and to be understood. People function, var. and collide with relationships through talk. People sh atomic number 18 knowledge and inject knowledge through intercourse.\r\n2.Explain how colloquy affects relationships in an bragging(a) well-disposed attending setting (1.1.2)\r\nCommunication disregard build, sustain and effect relation ships in an fully grown social care setting. Communication sight develop relationships and build confidence with adults in social care settings. It dirty dog be occasiond to give advice, care, information and instructions to help single(a)s, staff and family subdivisions. Communication is used to clear relationships and maintain safety and consistency.\r\n3.Compare ship laval to establish the chat and lyric poem ask, wishes and preferences of an separate (2.2.1)\r\nCommunication raise be established particular twoy for an singular by promptly talking with that single. Receiving clear and correct information from that various(prenominal). tuition is sometimes availcapable for true single(a)s on how to communicate with them. For in carriage individual who was challenging of hearing whitethorn want you to communicate slowly and clearly for that singular to be able to lip interpret what you are guessing or by sign words, communication through the hands. Individuals that are in a care setting would contri furthere care notes and withstand plans which would micturate detailed information on how to communicate with that person.\r\nCommunication toilette be pull ined by an private’s body talking to, throng study some other large number’s body language and skunk gain information almost how that particular individual is feeling, their specific call for and any help that individual whitethorn require. Some individuals whitethorn not be able to give communication clearly and verbally so may merely communicate using their body, stance and posture. You keep gain information about an individual’s needs, wishes and preferences through colleagues, key people and people who know the individual best.\r\n4. guide the factors to consider when promoting telling communication (2.2.2)\r\nFactors to consider when promoting effective communication are drug-addicted on situation, individual and plenty. When promot ing effective communication you should eternally consider clear, correct and relative communication. Individual wad should al slipway be taken into consideration also, am I communicating in the right shadow of give tongue to? Am I communicating in a way that the person I’m communicating with will understand? Am I communicating in the correct regularity? at that place are many factors to consider when promoting effective communication. handle not communicating in the said(prenominal) way to an adult as you would a tyke. Communicating in a more unsophisticated way so that the certain individual would understand, and not feel that you are communicating in a way that may go on across as negative or derogatory. Communicating in a quieter tone of voice if communicating about a personalised or sympathetic situation.\r\n5.Describe a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual needs (2.2.3)\r\nCommunication methods that can differ depending on individual needs are age. Am I talking to an adult or a small fry? You would communicate with a child in a different way to what you would an adult. If you spoke to an adult in the same way you did a child because that adult may feel like you are existence disrespectful to them. Does the person I’m talking to have specific needs? Do they have training difficulties? If they did you may have to talk in a slower and clearer manor house to help them understand and to make sure they can take on all the information. Are they hard of hearing? perchance talking louder and slowly? talking directly to their face so the individual could read your lips, possibly using hands to sign or pointing to relative objects to help communication.\r\nCan the individual communicate verbally at all? If not wherefore you may have to read their body language to gain a certain level of communication. The individual maybe making noise? Does the noise cloggy happy or distressful? Some individuals who cannot co mmunicate verbally through speaking may make noise to signal to another person if they are upset or happy. If the person was laughing, high fling or chuckling this would appear that the individual was happy whereas if the individual was making groaning, low and stressful noises this would appear that the individual is unhappy or agitated. Individuals who can’t use talking to communicate may be able to use pictures to communicate. They may be able to use a range of pictures to deliver emotions, feelings and needs. They may introduce a picture of food to signal they are hungry or a face to show the emotion or how they are feeling.\r\n6.Explain why it is cardinal to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating (2.2.4)\r\nIt is big to gauge an individual’s reactions at all times when communicating. This can be through with(p) by a person’s facial expressions. Does the individual seem shocked, upset or angry to what has been communicated? Does communication need to be done in a softer tone of voice or in a way that is more reassuring to that individual? Is the undefendable or matter that is being communicated about upset or making the individual unhappy? Possibly a change of subject might be more beneficial to the individuals bodily fluid or feelings. Does the individual appear confused? This maybe because the correct method of communication is not being used or isn’t in a way that the individual understands. Communication would consecrate down if response wasn’t being met to an individual’s reactions.\r\nIf communicating in a certain way kept making an individual upset or angry consequently that individual would simply stop communicating or become even angrier or upset which would get around down relationships and communication. An individual who appeared to be in a low or sad mood may react well to reassurance, sympathy or a compliment. Whereas negative communication would only worsen that individuals mood and again would break down communication and relations. reception is key to when we are communicating.\r\n7.Explain how individuals from different cathode-ray oscilloscopes may use, or interpret communication methods in different ways (3.3.1)\r\nIndivduals from different backgrounds will use many different ways of communicating. An individual from a background of gangs may use slang and hand gestures as a way of communicating. To another individual from the same background this would be fine but for an individual from a entirely different background this may come across as rude and/or abrupt. Individuals may not talk/communicate in the same way to their friends as they would their boss or a work colleague. For exemplification talking to a child you would use simple communication methods. If you were to use simple ways of communication with an adult this may come across as disrespectful and be taken the defame way. Communicating with a loved one would be understa nding, loving and respectful however if you select this same communication method with a member of the public or someone that you weren’t known with may seem quite odd and strange.\r\n8.Identify prohibitions to effective communication (3.3.2)\r\nBarriers to effective communication may be the use of jargon, unfamiliar or over multiform terms and emotional barriers. Lack of attention and arouse can often be a barrier of communication also. Physical disabilities can also be a barrier when communicating such as hearing problems or speech difficulties. Sometimes language barriers or a difference in accents can pose as a barrier of communication. Expectations can lead to false assumptions or stereotyping which may then become a barrier to communication. Cultural differences can sometimes become a barrier when communicating. dissimilar cultures have many different ways of communicating as do cultures have many varied ways of showing emotions and feelings.\r\n9.Explain how to overcome barriers to communication (3.3.3)\r\nOvercoming barriers in communication requires assessing the barriers that need overcoming. Communication should unceasingly be in a clear and easy to understand form. Clear and simple terms should always be promoted when communicating. Use of slang and words that are symbiotic on an individual’s background should be avoided. Concentration should always be with whom you are communicating with, communication that is not concentrated on can often be confused or misunderstood. divergent opinions and views should always be respected when communicating also. non respecting people’s views an opinions will be a major barrier to communication and one that win’t be overcome until all views are understood and respected.\r\n10.Describe strategies that can be used to brighten misunderstandings (3.3.4)\r\nMisunderstandings can often arise whilst communicating. Sometimes the subject needs to be said or prevailed in a differen t way. Perhaps the tone needs to change, or the mental objects style. The language you have used may need to be simplified. Maybe a scream conversation has been unsatisfactory in some way, but a face to face meeting would help to establish better communication. It may be demand to change the situation and or environment. Maybe a noisy environment has caused misunderstanding maybe somewhere quieter would establish better communication. In certain circumstances it is ok to ask if you have been understood, or to pass on communication to certify that you have understood the message that is being communicated.\r\nSometimes when communicating by squall people will ask one and other â€Å"Can you hear me ok?†this will often prevent misunderstandings before they occur by establishing that both parties can communicate clearly. Allowing time for communication can also clarify misunderstandings. Much communication is done whilst we are busy or engaging in other things. To make sur e communication has been authorized and understood it should be allowed time and concentration. Sometimes it is substantial to take responsibility for a misunderstanding and say you are sorry. An apology can help to reform confidence and allow for the relationship to continue edifice on a firmer foundation.\r\n11.Explain how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate in effect (3.3.5)\r\nSupport is available via local authorities and services, such as the NHS and adult social services departments. assistance is also available from national charities, such the topic Autistic Society for those with autism. These can be accessed by phone or internet. Services such as Makaton are also available; Makaton is a dust that uses signs and symbols alongside speech to help people with learning and/or communication difficulties to communicate. Makaton is taught to individuals with learning and/or communication difficulties as an effective way of communication . Speech and language therapists often known as SLT’s can often assess speech and communication difficulties in people of all ages. SLT’s can in the main be accessed through an individual’s GP.\r\n12.Explain the nub of the term ‘confidentiality’ (4.4.1)\r\nConfidentiality is a requirement to keep personal information reclusive and only share it with people who need to know. Information that is spoken, written and electronically kept about individuals maybe needed to be kept confidential and only shared out with certain people.\r\n13.Describe ways to maintain confidentiality in day-to-day communication (4.4.2)\r\nconfidentially can be maintained on a day to day basis by only speaking about certain information with certain people. For example an individual’s information may be spoken with to a GP or family member. Confidentiality can also be maintained by making sure access to electronic information is only accessible by certain people. A w ay to maintain this is by keeping electronic computer passwords safe and computers locked and only sharing passwords with people who should be allowed to see this information. Sharing confidential information should always be done in a private environment where the information will not be overheard or interrupted. Records such as personal notes, reports and earn should always be kept in a safe locked place and keys should never be leftover-hand(a) unattended. Confidential matters are generally not talked about over the telephone unless the person can be positively identified. Confidential information should never be left in an answerphone message as this is left in an unsafe way which is easy for the wrong person to hear.\r\n14.Describe the potential stress between maintaining an individual’s confidentiality and disclosing concerns to agreed others (4.4.3)\r\nSometimes information that is asked to be or normally confidential needs to be shared with others when there is a concern for that persons eudaimonia and/or safety this can cause tension because the information may have been shared confidingly and have been requested not to be shared but it has to be disclosed because there is a risk to that person’s safety.\r\n15.Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality (4.4.4)\r\nYou can seek advice from your manager about confidentiality. You would do this when you are unsure about anything to do with confidentiality for example if you thought someone was talking to the wrong people about confidential matters that should not be being discussed or weather you were unsure that talking to someone about a certain situation would break an individual’s confidentiality.\r\nRead more: Describe Strategies to Clarify Misunderstandings\r\n'
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