Saturday, August 17, 2019
Self Analysis Example
Name: Mark Anthony D. MendozaDate: April 20, 2013 Subject: Contemporary Management Theories: Self Analysis Part Ia. INTEREST 1. How do I like to spend my time? I really want to spend my time in doing worthwhile things. I work, study and join adventurous activities. Most importantly, I always find time to participate with our religious activities like our house to house preaching to share the good news about the kingdom of God Jehovah. 2. Do I enjoy working with people? Yes. I enjoy working with different kinds of people. Actually, I prefer working with a group rather than working alone. 3.Do I like to work with mechanical things? Yes. When I was in high school we were taught to do mechanical things like electrical applications, carpentry and troubleshooting appliances. During my free time, I usually do troubleshoot dysfunctional home appliances even though I am not that good at it. 4. Do I enjoy working with data? I do enjoy working with data most especially if it’s numerical or accounting related. 5. Am I a member of many Organizations? No. At present I am only a member of some organizations. 6. Do I enjoy physical activities? I am a very active person enjoying physical activities.I usually play games like table tennis, badminton and volleyball. I also join adventurous activities like mountain climbing. At least twice a year, we enjoy hiking for at most three days in the mountains of Kayapa and Ambaguio. 7. Do I like to read? I am not really that kind of person who is fond of reading. It usually depends on my mood but most of the time my retention is at most two hours. ABILITIES 1. Am I adept at analysis? I believe that I am not that adept regarding analytical matters. 2. Am I adept at working with computers? Yes. It is with the aid of the computer subjects integrated in our curriculum.It is also enhanced by the use of computer s at work. I became familiar with various applications and I was acquainted on how to operate them properly. 3. Do I have good verbal and written communication skills? I can also consider that my writing and speaking abilities are good. It is with the help of the subjects I teach in class. Through regular class discussion my speaking abilities are gradually improved. The many write ups, concept papers, case analyses that I have prepared also enhances my writing abilities. 4. What special talents do I have? I do not have any special talent. 5.At which abilities do I wish I were more adept? I wish I am more intellectually inclined with excellent writing and communication skills. PERSONALITY 1. What are my good and bad traits? Some of my good are the following. I have sense of helping the needy. I also know my responsibilities as a child, brother and as a person to others. I can also consider myself as cheerful. Some of my bad habits are the following. Sometimes, I am late going to work. I am also lazy in doing household chores. 2. Am I competitive? One of my mottos in life is â€Å"Always do your best†. I always do my best in everything I do.It may be academics, work or whatever it maybe. 3. Do I work well with others? I can assume that I work well with others. Basing on my present job most of my officemates, if not all, like to work with me. I can say that because I am easy to work with and I am always practicing flexibility. 4. Am I outspoken? I think so. Most of the time, I say things that I know is right. 5. Am I a leader or a follower? I can be a combination of both but most of the time I am a follower. I am an abiding individual. I usually follow orders as long as it is positive and not against my will. 6.Do I work quickly, or am I methodical? I am a fast worker; I easily find ways on how to get things done. Basing from the comments I have earned from my supervisor during my On-the-job training, she said that I am an accurate and fast worker. 7. Do I get along with others? I think I am. I have group of friends and I can go along with others easily. Again, basing on the comm ents of one of my supervisor from my evaluation, she said that â€Å"everybody in the office likes me†. 8. Am I ambitious? Yes I am. I am really ambitious in the sense that I want to achieve a lot of things in my life.But I think that my ambition is not just an ambition because everything I dream is accompanied with action. 9. Do I work well independently of others? I can also work well independently. This is very true when I make my reaction papers, concept papers and other individual reports. But I am fonder with working with a group. DESIRED JOB ENVIRONMENT 1. Am I willing to relocate? Why? Yes. If it is a requirement for the job to relocate I will be much willing to relocate. I know myself that I can easily adapt different kinds of working environment. Actually, I am also planning to work abroad and that requires relocation. 2.Do I have geographical preference? Why? Yes, I want to work in a place wherein the climate is good. If I would choose the location it would be some where in Europe. I have a preference over the geography of the place where I will work because it might be uncomfortable for me to stay in is some places and that makes me unproductive. 3. Would I mind traveling in my job? For me traveling as part of my job is not a problem. Actually, I do enjoy going to different places. It would be an addition to my experience while performing the task given to me. 4. Do I have to work for a large or nationally known firm to be satisfied?I prefer to work in large and known company. It is for the fact that it will not only offer greater financial help but greater opportunities for career advancement. 5. Must my job offer rapid promotion opportunities? Not necessarily. Even though most of the employees would want to be promoted, I would not consider it as my main stimulus. As long as I am happy with my job it would be good for me. Promotion would just be considered as an additional prize of enjoying my job. 6. If I could design my own job, what char acteristics would it have? I would like that I would be leading the financial aspects of the business.I would like to decide on financial matters, give reports on the standing of the business and share in the decision making. 7. How important is high initial salary for me? For me, high initial salary is not that important because I know that salary increase goes with experience and service. What is important is I like the job I will be doing. EDUCATION 1. How have my courses and extracurricular activities prepared me for a specific job? The courses we had during our undergraduate studies really helped us to be prepared for whatever career path we may go. It is due to these courses that we have been acquainted to different job scenarios.With the help of the On-the-job training, the theories we have learned in school were reinforced to make us fit with the job. 2. Which were my best subjects? My worst? If I am going to base it on the rating I earned. I would say my best subjects would be Physical Education because I got a very high grade. If it is based on learning, I would choose my accounting subjects because I really learned a lot. I consider Income taxation as my worst subject because I got the lowest grade among all the subjects I have taken. It was an irony because the subject is one of the subjects I have taught. . Is my GPA a good indication of my academic ability? Why? I do really believe that my GPA is an actual interpretation of my academic ability. It is because I am convinced that my GPA really shows what I did. 4. Do I aspire to a graduate degree? Before beginning my job? It is not that necessary for me. I got a job before I was being able to hold a degree. 5. Why did I choose my major? Actually, I do not have much good reasons why I choose accounting. I have chosen the field of accounting just because I loved numbers. PERSONAL GOALS 1. What are my short-term and long term goals? Why?My present goal is to be able to pass the CPA board examination. One of my long term goals would be the establishment of my own convenience store and I am the manager. 2. Am I career oriented, or do I have broader interest? I can say that I have broader interest with regards to the career I have chosen. I would not just stick for the fact that I am an accountant but to pursue my goal to become an entrepreneur. 3. What are my career goals? First, I want to pass the CPA board examination. Then work with an auditing company wherein I can travel not only locally but internationally.After gaining all the expertise I would like to run my own business. 4. What jobs are likely to help me achieve my goals? I think any jobs that are related to my degree would be an addition to the achievement of my goals. 5. What do I hope to be doing in 5 years? In 10 year? Five years from now I hope that I would be one of the most successful accountant and employee of a well-known company. And after five years, I hope that I would be managing my own business. 6. What do I want out of life? Poverty, suffering, sickness and death. I would like that every individual would be enjoying the gift of life God has given us.EXPERIENCE 1. What previous jobs have I held? What were my responsibilities in each job? I worked as an Accounts Receivable Analyst. I prepare an analysis of the accounts of every student and make necessary adjustments if errors are made. I was also the liaison office of Saint Mary’s University. I transact business with different banks and other governmental agencies. I prepare premium reports of employees. 2. What internships or co-op positions have held? What were my responsibilities? I have my internship at metro bank. I was assigned to compute and update the time deposits of depositors.I have also done clerical works like sorting of checks and counting cash. 3. What volunteer positions have I held? What were my responsibilities? When one of my officemate attended the review for the CPA board exam, I took over some of her work. I prepare bank reconciliation statements and prepare checks for disbursement. 4. Were any of my jobs or positions applicable to positions I may seeking? How? As an accounting major, I would be looking for job that is in line with my degree. My experience on my previous jobs will be an additional factor because I also learned a lot of things that I may use on my next job. 5.What did I like most about my previous jobs? I like the company of my officemates who are always there to support. I love the way our superior treated us. 6. If I had to do it over again, would I work in these jobs? Why? Yes, I really love the world of accounting. As long as I am still enjoying my field, I would be much willing to do it all over and over again. Part 1b. Leadership Lifeline A 1. What are the key experiences that shaped my present as leader? Being a good follower makes a good leader. All the theories I have learned and the teaching of my teachers during my undergraduate studies helped me to become a good leader.As a teacher, I have known how to management my class properly. Teach them how to be a good student and help them cope up with academic difficulties. I also make it sure that they have learned something about the subject I have taught them. I have also learned a lot of thing from the interaction from my students. 2. Who were the key influences that developed me into the kind of leader I am today? I would give the main credit to my parents who molded me to become a good person. Also with my teachers who shared their knowledge and expertise. My officemates who taught me understand the essence of work and camaraderie. . What are the key lessons I have learned about leadership? As stated above, I believe that a good leader must be a good follower. A leader should not be so autocratic but must listen to the ideas and needs of his team. 4. What was the most difficult leadership challenge that I have experienced as a leader? What was the impact of this challenge to me? The mos t difficult challenge was during my first year of teaching. It is very challenging because I don’t have any teaching experience yet and it was my first time, also for the fact that some of my students are older than me. I took the challenge positively.I prepared my lessons well before discussions. It is very fulfilling because I have received positive outcomes. 5. What have been my experiences in doing collaborative work as a leader? How were my experiences? It is really fun and interesting doing such an activity. I enjoy working with a group most especially on exchanging of ideas. This experience adds up to the confidence in doing successful activity. 6. From my story as a leader what is my purpose in life? As leader, I need to show good example to all the people. I need to exert more effort to be able to meet the expectations of those who believe in my abilities.MY LEADERSHIP LIFELINE B PEELING BACK THE ONION: WHAT IS MY AUTHENTIC SELF 1. My Values and Principles I have gro wn up with the Filipino values of love and respect, giving much importance to family. My principles in life are usually based from the bible. I follow the golden rule that is to do what is right to others so that others will also do the same. I also show genuine love to everyone as much as I can. 2. My strengths I consider my positive attitude toward others, work and life. In addition, I also consider my adept understanding with my chosen field of expertise and numerical reasoning. . My purpose One of my major purposes in life is to help others know to the Kingdom of God. I also may sure that my family would feel how much I care and love them. I am also here to share what I have and serve others. It may not be financially but my presence to them can make a difference. With regards to being a leader, service is what matters most. 4. My weaknesses I have low self-esteem and confidence. I don’t usually have the guts to do things on my own and show what I am really capable. I am always on doubt for myself. I have low regard with my abilities.I also find it difficult to say my opinions about different matters. 5. My talents I am somewhat inclined with numerical reasoning. I don’t really know my talents are. MY LEADERSHIP LIFELINE C What do my story and my authentic self as a leader say about my Worldview, Values, Talents and Purpose. 1. WORLDVIEW: How do you seek or look at the world? What does the world mean to you? I look at the world as a perfect place to explore and share what we have and what we are to others. It means that I need to appreciate all the precious things that are provided to us.The world is also a place where we can show the best we can be and contribute for its development. 2. VALUES: What principles you will never sacrifice? a. Honesty b. Faith c. Justice d. Equality e. Love 3. TALENTS: What are you naturally good at? What do you naturally enjoy to do, think and learn about? a. Numerical reasoning b. Dancing c. Playing sports d. H iking e. Preaching 4. PURPOSE: What is the purpose of your life? What issue, group or sector is involved on life message? One of my major purposes in life is to help others know to the Kingdom of God.I also may sure that my family would feel how much I care and love them. I am also here to share what I have and serve others. It may not be financially but my presence to them can make a difference. With regards to being a leader, service is what matters most. 5. ISSUE: How is your life purpose related to the central issues you are facing? One of the issues I am facing now is time management. As stated above, my major purpose in life is to preach the Kingdom of God but I am working full time so I am face with the dilemma on how to achieve that goal. Most often, I lack time to do all the things I really wanted to do. Part II. STRENGTHS |WEAKNESSES | |Sociable |Tardiness | |Adept in Computer applications |Low self-esteem | |Good reading and communication skills |Doubtful about my abili ties | |Responsible |Low self confidence | |Competitive |Lack of confidence to share opinions | |Fast worker | | |Adaptable | | |Career oriented | |
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