Monday, September 30, 2019
Hotel Online Reservation
In today’s world of business in which technology has a part to play on where small or large business are slowly blooming and this particular business is in where leisure and relaxation is being presented the business of Hotel Management. On this kind of business they are always other competitor, so this is where technology will come they want a system and android base of application where they can make their business efficient so they want a reservation system on where it can book or reserve a room in where if they are vacancy or not, and notify on in coming events or news of their stay.They are a lot of android base on hotel reservation system but all of them has no locator and notification system on them in where a business consultant or a business man traveling to a particular destination to give a presentation or project details and wanted to stay on a hotel on where they can locate, book or reserve a room and notify them on what are the best recommendation of rooms to thi s particular hotel.In the world today traveling is the best option for the users who travel to do business proposal or business presentation to their destination soon in every establishment of hotel management want a system that can reserve a room base on an android application on where customers can do it on their android phones and in every hotel management can accommodated them to their every request and they can notify them on what are the best recommendation of the room and the possibility of their best service they offered.In the Philippines today as one of the tourist destination travelers and business men and women needed to have an application that they can reserve and book a room on a particular hotel and also given them a notification that notifies them on what are the best recommendation they have and give them on what are the particular event is the hotel is offering to its guest and it enables to be aware on what the hotel is offering. According to HRS, a hotel portal, mobile reservations grew from 3% in 2011 to 6% in 2012. It is safe to say that about 1/3 of business travelers use their smartphones and tablets to make a reservation.In the University of the Immaculate Conception, faculty and students may have already travel other country or right here in Philippines and they may want a android application that can book or reserve a room in a particular hotel on a particular country. This study may have its advantages and disadvantages on where it can be applied, due to the already present study it can be enhanced or be studied further in where it can be useful for the users and the management. The present study shows that it only has a reservation system and no notification system so it can be further be studied.In order to make this study to be more valid is to gather more data and able to distinguish on what are the materials needed for the Android Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System in order to give more reliable and accu rate information regarding to the said study. This study can be accomplished through analyzing and determine the advantages and disadvantages on Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System. Conceptual Framework Figure 1. 0 Conceptual Frame work of Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification system. Flow of the Conceptual frame work:Figure 1.0 shows that the first is that the client will access the application from their android phone and choose the following rooms and book the particular room then it goes directly to the internet and then it passes through to a cell tower and it is directed to the management and goes to the following process first the booking agent here is where the agent will get the client’s requested room to be book and it is passed to the facility director here is where the director will check if the said room has any problem on the requested room of the client after the director has checked the room it w ill directly go to the hotel agent here the hotel agent will verify that the room can be book or reserved, and then the data client that requested for the room and final after all the process of booking is done it will be back to the booking agent will send a notification that the room of the client is book and it passes through cell tower then through the internet and back to the client on where the client received the book room and its complementary. Statement of the Problem 1. What might are the advantages or disadvantages of the Android app. to the hotel industry?2. How effective do you think this Android App. toward the hotel industry? 3. Why do you think that this Android App. can benefit to the hotel industry? Hypothesis The android application with this kind of a purpose of making a reservation or booking of a hotel room will be easy to be used and only needs an internet connection on where the user will be guided easily and efficiently. Importance of the Study The importanc e of the study is to determine on how the system will work and can it help the user to book or reserve a room always notify if there is something wrong on his reserve room or simply notify them that the hotel is hosting an event.Researchers – This study can be beneficial for the researchers on where they can be aware to the research on Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System and have the knowledgeable background on what might the research might do. The Management: This research might help the management in improving their establishment and be knowledgeable on Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System can do for their establishment. Students: The study can be beneficial to students and have knowledgeable background on what might the research purpose and its establishment of Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System.Administration: The said research would provide knowledge on Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System and under this study the administration is able to have the knowledgeable background on the hotel reservation and notification system. Scope and Limitation This study is focused in determine on how this system would prove it’s effective to the industry. By this we are determine on how the system would take effect in the industry. This study is limited on how the Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System can be its effectiveness to the client and the management in terms Definition of TermsAndroid – is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, and designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as Smartphone’s and tablet computers Hotel Reservation System – A central reservation system is a tool to reach the global distribution system as well as internet distribution systems from one single system. A CRS assists hotel managers in managing their onlin e marketing and sales, allowing them to upload their rates and availabilities to be seen by sales channels that are using the CRS. Sales channels may include conventional travel agencies as well as online travel agencies. . Notification System – is a combination of software and hardware that provides a means of delivering a message to a set of recipients. Chapter 2Review of Related Literature and Studies Before giving details regarding the research methodology used in the study, it is appropriate to present a brief overview of the research articles, case studies, and books written on this particular topic. The area of study may be within the country or outside the country. â€Å"A Cloud App Hotel Reservation System from CiRBA†Adrian Bridgewater, September 02, 2013 In this article, he focused about the Cloud App from CiRBA Capacity Control software company CiRBA has announced a new Reservation Console for cloud developers (and teams) to control the automation of new wo rkload routing and capacity reservations processes.According to Adrian Bridgewater, using the â€Å"Cloud App†people will easy to reserve a room a soon as possible using the internet or through PC,The console automates (what is a manual process today) the job of selecting the optimal hosting environment for new workloads, reserving compute and storage capacity in advance of use, and ultimately providing the detailed host-level placement recommendations for the workload. The Reservation Console features a new, tunable scoring system that identifies the optimal destination environment for new application workloads. Teams can modify the attributes considered and also tune their weighting so that recommendations are aligned with organizational goals and application owner preferences. â€Å"Application of Biometric Security in Agent based Hotel Booking System – Android Environment†Wayne Lawrence,Suresh Sankaranarayanan, July 2012According to the authors The process of finding the finest hotel in central location is time consuming, information overload and overwhelming and in some cases poses a security risk to the client. Some of the more advanced web sites allow for a search of the destination via a map for example hotelguidge. com and jamaica. hotels. hu. Booking of hotels is secured by the standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to confirm the identity of a website or server, encrypt data during transmission, and ensure the integrity of transmitted data. Even with this in place, hackers have broken the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) by targeting weaknesses in the MD5 algorithm. Recently good amount of work been carried in the use of Intelligent agents towards hotel search on J2ME based mobile handset which still has some weakness.So taking the weakness in the current agent based system, smart software agents been developed that overcomes the weakness in the previous system In addition to smart agent based system been developed and published elsewh ere, we here propose to extend the system with the booking capability that allows the user to book a hotel of choice where the authenticity of the client may be determined securely using biometric security and information transmitted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (Server-Gated Cryptography (SGC)) on the internet which is novel and unique. This will be facilitated on Android 2. 2-enabled mobile phone using JADE-LEAP Agent development kit. â€Å"Android Hotel Reservation System†Jukisoft CorporationThey introduce about the importance of Hotel Reservation using Android App like the features of the Application they introduce the UI or User Interface of the App. So that the people will know on how to use the Hotel Reservation using Android App. This App is friendly user so that the people will easy to use the existing app. The Hotel Reservation Apps is an application made for creating products that are useful applications for hotels owners and hotel users by making application to allows users to perform activities of online hotel room reservation, see profile. And facilities of a hotel without visiting in person, see the location of the hotel by using the URL map or see the hotel website that will be visited access it without going through a computer using Android. SynthesisIn the first article the authors introduce what is â€Å"Cloud App†, Cloud App or Cloud Application using the Cloud App the people will easy to communicate to the Hotel Administration, when there is a people who request to reserve a room. Using the internet or WiFi the people will easy to get a room where you are, the system provides the following occupancy levels, technical considerations, software licensing constraints, operational policies, and regulatory compliance. In the second article the authors focus about the Application Biometric Security which is the SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) to confirm the identity of a website or server, encrypt data during transmission, and ensure the integrity of transmitted data.Even with this in place, hackers have broken the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) by targeting weaknesses in the MD5 algorithm. Recently good amount of work been carried in the use of Intelligent agents towards hotel search on J2ME based mobile handset which still has some weakness. And also to protect the data from the hackers or malicious people. The third article which is Android Hotel Reservation System, the company focus about the Android Application using Android Mobile in this article the company introduce the UI/User Interface of they're Android Application. So that the people will easy to understand the interface of the Android Application and also it helps the people to use they're Application.In they're Android Application there are many Notification's that the people will directly understand the User Interface of the Application. Chapter III Methodology This section of the paper further discussed the research design used in the study, the res pondents of the study, and the type of sampling used in determining the respondents, research locale, the research instrument employed, procedures and the statistical techniques for the interpretation of data. Research Method The research design used in the study is the descriptive research. This was used to achieve the objectives of the study that aims whether the said system will be effective to the user and the management.To be able to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers had began researching on the study read either printed or electronic regard the study Hotel Reservation and Notification system using Android base. Since the objective of the study is to know whether the study is effective or not. The researchers used observation on the study and researching about related articles on the said study. Research Instruments In conducting the research the instrument used by the researchers is based on the data they have gather in order to analyze and have observationa l result in which the researcher can deduct and exploit the necessary objectives of the Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification system by the researchers. And also, give their own hypothesis on the research. Data Gathering ProcedureThe researchers gathered materials for their research study, after the researchers gathered some materials to be used in their research, they extracted important information that maybe used in their research study. After the extracted data they made the first part of the chapter one same as chapter two with the citations of events. The researchers began making hypothesis on whether the particular study can be effective or not. From the data gather so far the advantages and disadvantages of the study can be concluded and the effectivness also can be concluded. The researchers made up their conclusions and recommendations of their study based on the information and the results they have gathered. Hotel Online Reservation IntroductionIn today’s world of business in which technology has a part to play on where small or large business are slowly blooming and this particular business is in where leisure and relaxation is being presented the business of Hotel Management. On this kind of business they are always other competitor, so this is where technology will come they want a system and android base of application where they can make their business efficient so they want a reservation system on where it can book or reserve a room in where if they are vacancy or not, and notify on in coming events or news of their stay.They are a lot of android base on hotel reservation system but all of them has no locator and notification system on them in where a business consultant or a business man traveling to a particular destination to give a presentation or project details and wanted to stay on a hotel on where they can locate, book or reserve a room and notify them on what are the best recommendation of rooms to this particular hotel.In the world today traveling is the best option for the users who travel to do business proposal or business presentation to their destination soon in every establishment of hotel management want a system that can reserve a room base on an android application on where customers can do it on their android phones and in every hotel management can accommodated them to their every request and they can notify them on what are the best recommendation of the room and the possibility of their best service they offered.In the Philippines today as one of the tourist destination travelers and business men and women needed to have an application that they can reserve and book a room on a particular hotel and also given them a notification that notifies them on what are the best recommendation they have and give them on what are the particular event is the hotel is offering to its guest and it enables to be aware on what the hotel is offering. According to HRS, a hotel portal, mobile reservations grew from 3% in 2011 to 6% in 2012. It is safe to say that about 1/3 of business travelers use their smartphones and tablets to make a reservation.In the University of the Immaculate Conception, faculty and students may have already travel other country or right here in Philippines and they may want a android application that can book or reserve a room in a particular hotel on a particular country.This study may have its advantages and disadvantages on where it can be applied, due to the already present study it can be enhanced or be studied further in where it can be useful for the users and the management. The present study shows that it only has a reservation system and no notification system so it can be further be studied.In order to make this study to be more valid is to gather more data and able to distinguish on what are the materials needed for the Android Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System in order to give more rel iable and accurate information regarding to the said study. This study can be accomplished through analyzing and determine the advantages and disadvantages on Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System.Conceptual FrameworkFigure 1.0 Conceptual Frame work of Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification system. Flow of the Conceptual frame work: Figure 1.0 shows that the first is that the client will access the application from their android phone and choose the following rooms and book the particular room then it goes directly to the internet and then it passes through to a cell tower and it is directed to the management and goes to the following process first the booking agent here is where the agent will get the client’s requested room to be book and it is passed to the facility director here is where the director will check if the said room has any problem on the requested room of the client after the director has checked t he room it will directly go to the hotel agent here the hotel agent will verify that the room can be book or reserved.And then the data client that requested for the room and final after all the process of booking is done it will be back to the booking agent will send a notification that the room of the client is book and it passes through cell tower then through the internet and back to the client on where the client received the book room and its complementary.Statement of the Problem1. What might are the advantages or disadvantages of the Android app. to the hotel industry? 2. How effective do you think this Android App. toward the hotel industry? 3. Why do you think that this Android App. can benefit to the hotel industry?HypothesisThe android application with this kind of a purpose of making a reservation or booking of a hotel room will be easy to be used and only needs an internet connection on where the user will be guided easily and efficiently.Importance of the StudyThe importance of the study is to determine on how the system will work and can it help the user to book or reserve a room always notify if there is something wrong on his reserve room or simply notify them that the hotel is hosting an event.Researchers – This study can be beneficial for the researchers on where they can be aware to the research on Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System and have the knowledgeable background on what might the research might do.The Management:This research might help the management in improving their establishment and be knowledgeable on Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System can do for their establishment.Students:The study can be beneficial to students and have knowledgeable background on what might the research purpose and its establishment of Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System.Administration:The said research would provide knowledge on Andr oid Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System and under this study the administration is able to have the knowledgeable background on the hotel reservation and notification system.Scope and LimitationThis study is focused in determine on how this system would prove it’s effective to the industry. By this we are determine on how the system would take effect in the industry.This study is limited on how the Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification System can be its effectiveness to the client and the management in termsDefinition of TermsAndroid – is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, and designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as Smartphone’s and tablet computers Hotel Reservation System – A central reservation system is a tool to reach the global distribution system as well as internet distribution systems from one single system. A CRS assists hotel managers in managing their onlin e marketing and sales, allowing them to upload their rates and availabilities to be seen by sales channels that are using the CRS. Sales channels may include conventional travel agencies as well as online travel agencies.Notification System – is a combination of software and hardware that provides a means of delivering a message to a set of recipients. Chapter 2Review of Related Literature and StudiesBefore giving details regarding the research methodology used in the study, it is appropriate to present a brief overview of the research articles, case studies, and books written on this particular topic. The area of study may be within the country or outside the country.â€Å"A Cloud App Hotel Reservation System from CiRBA†Adrian Bridgewater, September 02, 2013 In this article, he focused about the Cloud App from CiRBA Capacity Control software company CiRBA has announced a new Reservation Console for cloud developers (and teams) to control the automation of new workloa d routing and capacity reservations processes. According to Adrian Bridgewater, using the â€Å"Cloud App†people will easy to reserve a room a soon as possible using the internet or through PC,The console automates (what is a manual process today) the job of selecting the optimal hosting environment for new workloads, reserving compute and storage capacity in advance of use, and ultimately providing the detailed host-level placement recommendations for the workload.The Reservation Console features a new, tunable scoring system that identifies the optimal destination environment for new application workloads. Teams can modify the attributes considered and also tune their weighting so that recommendations are aligned with organizational goals and application owner preferences.â€Å"Application of Biometric Security in Agent based Hotel Booking System – Android Environment†Wayne Lawrence,Suresh Sankaranarayanan, July 2012According to the authors The process of fi nding the finest hotel in central location is time consuming, information overload and overwhelming and in some cases poses a security risk to the client. Some of the more advanced web sites allow for a search of the destination via a map for example and Booking of hotels is secured by the standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to confirm the identity of a website or server, encrypt data during transmission, and ensure the integrity of transmitted data. Even with this in place, hackers have broken the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) by targeting weaknesses in the MD5 algorithm.Recently good amount of work been carried in the use of Intelligent agents towards hotel search on J2ME based mobile handset which still has some weakness. So taking the weakness in the current agent based system, smart software agents been developed that overcomes the weakness in the previous system In addition to smart agent based system been developed and published elsewhere, we h ere propose to extend the system with the booking capability that allows the user to book a hotel of choice where the authenticity of the client may be determined securely using biometric security and information transmitted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (Server-Gated Cryptography (SGC)) on the internet which is novel and unique. This will be facilitated on Android 2.2-enabled mobile phone using JADE-LEAP Agent development kit.â€Å"Android Hotel Reservation System†Jukisoft CorporationThey introduce about the importance of Hotel Reservation using Android App like the features of the Application they introduce the UI or User Interface of the App. So that the people will know on how to use the Hotel Reservation using Android App. This App is friendly user so that the people will easy to use the existing app. The Hotel Reservation Apps is an application made for creating products that are useful applications for hotels owners and hotel users by making application to allows u sers to perform activities of online hotel room reservation, see profile. And facilities of a hotel without visiting in person, see the location of the hotel by using the URL map or see the hotel website that will be visited access it without going through a computer using Android.SynthesisIn the first article the authors introduce what is â€Å"Cloud App†, Cloud App or Cloud Application using the Cloud App the people will easy to communicate to the Hotel Administration, when there is a people who request to reserve a room. Using the internet or WiFi the people will easy to get a room where you are, the system provides the following occupancy levels, technical considerations, software licensing constraints, operational policies, and regulatory compliance. In the second article the authors focus about the Application Biometric Security which is the SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) to confirm the identity of a website or server, encrypt data during transmission, and ensure the inte grity of transmitted data.Even with this in place, hackers have broken the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) by targeting weaknesses in the MD5 algorithm. Recently good amount of work been carried in the use of Intelligent agents towards hotel search on J2ME based mobile handset which still has some weakness. And also to protect the data from the hackers or malicious people. The third article which is Android Hotel Reservation System, the company focus about the Android Application using Android Mobile in this article the company introduce the UI/User Interface of they're Android Application. So that the people will easy to understand the interface of the Android Application and also it helps the people to use they're Application. In they're Android Application there are many Notification's that the people will directly understand the User Interface of the Application.Chapter III MethodologyThis section of the paper further discussed the research design used in the study, the respondents o f the study, and the type of sampling used in determining the respondents, research locale, the research instrument employed, procedures and the statistical techniques for the interpretation of data.Research MethodThe research design used in the study is the descriptive research. This was used to achieve the objectives of the study that aims whether the said system will be effective to the user and the management. To be able to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers had began researching on the study read either printed or electronic regard the study Hotel Reservation and Notification system using Android base. Since the objective of the study is to know whether the study is effective or not. The researchers used observation on the study and researching about related articles on the said study.Research InstrumentsIn conducting the research the instrument used by the researchers is based on the data they have gather in order to analyze and have observational result i n which the researcher can deduct and exploit the necessary objectives of the Android Mobile Application for Hotel Reservation and Notification system by the researchers. And also, give their own hypothesis on the research.Data Gathering ProcedureThe researchers gathered materials for their research study, after the researchers gathered some materials to be used in their research, they extracted important information that maybe used in their research study. After the extracted data they made the first part of the chapter one same as chapter two with the citations of events. The researchers began making hypothesis on whether the particular study can be effective or not. From the data gather so far the advantages and disadvantages of the study can be concluded and the effectivness also can be concluded. The researchers made up their conclusions and recommendations of their study based on the information and the results they have gathered.
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