Sunday, May 24, 2020
History And Evolution Of Africa - 850 Words
Africa played a pivotal role in human evolution. It’s the site of the beginning of human evolution, as they slowly evolved from their primitive ancestors and continued to evolve for millions of years. A majority of the fossils, some dating back almost 7 million years, are found in Africa. As ancient humans migrated out of Africa they stayed close to the coast. Scientists have been able to trace their migration to areas around the Indian Ocean, South Asia, and even as far down as Australia, also referred to as Out of Africa Theory (OOA) by many scientists. By examining these fossils scientist have discovered a plethora of early human and pre-human species. In central Chad fossils of Sahelanthropus tchadensis have been discovered, dating between 6 and 7 million years. Some researchers believe that Sahelanthropus tchadensis is the common ancestors that links humans and chimpanzees. In Ethiopia Ardipithecus ramidus fossils, the earliest known biped, have been found dating back 4.5 million years ago. Bipedalism was a major shift in early evolution that many scientist attribute to climate and diet change. It arose around 4.2 - 3.5 million years ago when hominids began moving away from areas that had dense trees and foliage to savanna areas. Savanna habitats are primarily made up of tall grasses, giving bipeds an advantage; allowing them to have a new elevated eye position and reduced their exposure to solar energy. Not only did it allow hominids to be able to see over the tallShow MoreRelatedAfrica The Home Of Humanity1253 Words  | 6 PagesAfrica the Home of Humanity Human origins, evolution, and diffusion are important for understanding the history of Africa. African historians take pride in the fact that Africa is most certainly the birthplace of humanity. There is evidence showing that humanity began in Africa by remains left behind by human groups and societies. 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